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1st year of middle school (3rd person POV)

(F/N) was walking down the street with earphones in and music loud. She was excited for their first day of school, and she already set in her mind to sign up for the basketball team as a manager or at least assistant manager. She chose Teiko Middle School for only one reason: the basketball team there was said to be amazing. 

She stopped when she saw a black car parked away from the entrance of the school and only several steps away from her. A man in a suit got out and opened the backseat. A redhead emerged from the car.

He's wearing a Teiko uniform. But why was he dropped so far from the entrance?

(F/N) stopped and removed her earphones and tried to listen to their conversation. Their voices seemed like whispers because of the distance but she still managed to hear them. She couldn't see the student's face because his back was facing her, but she could see the older man's because he was slightly facing her, but not at an angle where he would see her.

"Yes, I won't need a chauffeur tomorrow," the redhead said.

"Your father will take issue..." the man in the suit replied with a worried look on his face.

"It's not about him. Besides, if every morning was like this, I'll be mocked. Let school at least be somewhere I have freedom."

His last sentence made her frown. She thought that maybe they were strict with him at home.

"Of course. Shall I be going now or would you like me to wait until you reach the entrance?"

"It's fine for you to leave. Thank you," the man in the suit bowed slightly and went to enter the car. (F/N) put one of the earbuds to her right ear and started following the redhead as he slowly walked to the gates. She was already interested in knowing him.

(F/N) easily caught up with him and walked beside him.

"Hey!" she greeted and looked at him with a grin while still walking. This surprised him, and slightly worried him because it was likely that she saw him getting out of the car earlier. Like what he wanted to avoid, she might mock him.

"Hello," was simply the boy's answer.

"That was really rare... and humble," she complimented him.

"Is that supposed to be sarcastic?"

"No, no! It's not sarcastic. Sorry," (F/N) smiled nervously at him as he waited for her to continue. "It's just that usually, rich kids would always try to boast to everyone that they are wealthy, just for popularity. What I saw earlier, that was a first."

Her answer made his eyes widen and his lips couldn't help but curved upwards the slightest bit.

"Thank you," his sentence wasn't finished for he was waiting for her name. He raised an eyebrow at her and she easily got the message. They both stopped walking at this point and faced each other.

"Oh! Sorry, I'm (L/N)(F/N)," she extended out a hand. Now that she got a good look at his face, she was stunned.

Oh my gosh, he's handsome.

"I'm Akashi Seijuro. Nice to meet you," he smiled at her and shook her hand gently. She blushed at how charming he was.

"Shall we go?" (F/N) cocked her head to the direction of the school entrance.

I Was Made For Loving You (Akashi Seijuro x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now