Chapter 3_Saved😫

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I woke up with a massive headache I opened my eyes to see I'm in a dark room I hear a couple of more heavy breathing as if I'm not the only one in here and who ever it is,is sleeping.I feel clean and realize im wearing a large t-shirt "Weird" i think to myself i try to move but,realize someone's arm is around me.Its pitch black and I quickly grew nervous I can't remember all that happened.I slowly sat up not trying to wake who ever this is cause I'm only thinking about the consequences I slowly remove the icey cold arm from off my body and stand up.I softly start feeling around for a door thats when i heard someone speak"go back to sleep precious" the voice says I start to panic even more i then heard the person stand up and start walking in my direction I back up as the person is still coming towards me I then feel I'm against a wall and the light suddenly goes on making my headache worse I scrunch up my face in pain "I'm not gonna hurt you I hear a voice say" I look up to see "M-Mateo?" I say unsure he then comes closer to me "Are you okay" he asked I then shook my head no "m-my h-head hurts and m-my body's in pain" I say lowly he then comes up to me and grabs my hand lightly I flinched he then brings his hand close to my face and touches it I flinched again he then picks me up bridal style and I tense up and start to worry about what's going to happen now "its okay I'm going to make you feel better" I then clam down a little but still worried he then takes me in a bathroom and puts me on a sink I then turn my head around to be faced with a mirror I then started crying when I saw all the bruises in my face and my swollen eye.I then turn back to him with tears going down my face "Do you trust me" he asked me I hesitantly nodded my head he then come close to me and wipped my tears he then told me to close my eyes and I hesitated at first but then did as told and he blew on my face atleasest his breath doesn't stink.He then told me to open my eyes and I could see clearly again I turned around and looked in the mirror all my bruises are gone and my swollen eye I then turned back at him and he looked me in my eyes and I realized he has really pretty eyes its a orangey color I never saw eyes like that before "take off your shirt" he said I looked at him for a few seconds then did as told he then rubbed something all over my bruises and bandaged them up he then told me to put my T-shirt back on and I did as told once again "how did you do that to my face" I asked him he just looked at me quite "well I dont care what you did but thank you and thank you for saving me" I said hugging him he hugged me back "I'll always be here for you precious" he said pulling away and taking me off the sink I looked up at him and sow that his eyes where now a light beautiful green "h-how how did you do that"? I asked "do what" he asked "y-your eyes t-they they green now they were just a orangey color" I said confused he was then quite for a minute i-it it means I'm over protective he says looking into my eyes "y-you over protective of me" I ask looking into his eyes "yes" he says looking deeply into mine "why" I ask him "ion know I just am" he says I then hug him around his waist and he automatically hugs back"well I'm glad you are" I say softly into his chest I then pulled away and we stood there in silence for a few minutes "Are you hungry" he asked I nodded my head yes slowly he then took me by my hand and we walked out the bathroom and past the living room and into the kitchen he then puts me on the counter and walks to the fridge and gets out a KFC bag and puts it in the microwave and heats it up "where are we" I ask "at my house" he says "oh" I say looking down the microwave then beeped three times and he opened it and took out the KFC he then places a burger,fries,a piece of chicken,chicken nuggets and mash and gravy in a plate and gave it to me I then start eating "how long I've been out" I ask him "only a couple of hours" he says walking out the kitchen and up the stairs I continue eating after a few minutes I was done I guess I was really hungry then.I jumped off the counter and put the dirty dishes in the sink.I went up the stairs and looked for Mateo dang this a big ass house how many bedroom's one guy need I say rolling my eyes I then went into one room that looked like the master bedroom I didn't see Mateo so I made my way to the bed and lied down I then closed my eyes and lied there trying to fall asleep after a few seconds I felt someone ly next to me I turned around to see Mateo on his phone "Mateo" I said with a soft innocent voice "Yes precious" he said looking at me "uhm i-i can't sleep" I said to him in the same voice tone he then picked me up softly and put me on top of his chest and wrapped one arm around my waist and rubbed my back with the other hand "just go to sleep precious" he said kissing my forehead two seconds later I then slowly started to drift away.

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