Chapter 4

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Your POV

          Eventually, we went back to our home. Today had been amazing. We cuddled for a while and Liu kept arguing with Sully about different, pointless things. I walked in and ran straight into Toby. "Oh, Toby! I am so sorry! I didn't see you!" I apologized until he shut me up. "It's alright. You were just being your clumsy self." he flashed me a cheeky smile as I pushed him playfully. Toby was the first one to talk to me when I came to Slender Mansion, except for Slender. Laughing Jack waved to me from the kitchen and I ran at a full speed and hugged him. "Well, hello there, Gumdrop. It has been quite some time now, hasn't it?" He cackled insanely and I smiled. "Yes! I've missed you, LJ!" We talked for a bit about how we've been. Liu had sat on the couch and talked to Jeff for a while. Eventually, Sally ran in and persuaded me to play a song on my guitar and sing. I reluctantly grabbed my six string from my bedroom and sat on the couch. Everyone crowded about the living room and I began to play a song. Of course, Sally knew it all too well. I played every note perfectly and was quickly lost in my music, singing and strumming. When I finished everyone applauded me. My face turned cherry red and after many compliments and slow conversations, most went to bed. It was time....

      "Come, child. It's time for your first kill. You are ready now." Slender's voice boomed inside my head. I nodded and followed him into the woods. Finally, I can prove I belong here and that I'm not some stupid child that can't do anything. It's my time to win. We made our way to the edge of the woods and looked about. Everything was dark and vacant. Perfect. We approached a house with a few lights on and screams coming from an open window. I headed there and stopped next to the window. "Go ahead. I shall wait here in case you need anything." Slender stood off to the side a bit. I nodded and remembered what I swore before becoming a creepypasta. I was abused and would kill anyone who hit a child. No one deserves the pain I went through. I climbed through the window silently and walked toward the screams. I snuck in through the door and came into a kitchen area. A father had his son on the floor and was kicking him as hard as he could. Now is the time....

              ~Author's Note~

Hey guys! I am so sorry I haven't updated. Comment and let me know if I should continue with the first killing part. Thanks for reading. ~Maddy

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