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Davids pov

It's 3 am and everyone is starting to go home. Liza is still fast asleep, resting against my chest.

I look around for Gabbie, so she can take Liza home.

"Heath where's Gabbie?" I ask, not able to move because of Liza.

"In zanes room," says heath giggling.

I sigh and shake liza gentley. She opens her eyes slowly, looking adorable.

"What?" She says looking at me.

"It's time to go home." I say.

She gets up slowly and yawns.

"Want me to take you home?" I ask her, standing up.

She yawns again and collapses on top of me. I stagger as I try to hold her still.

"I guess your coming with me," I say.

I lift her up and walk to my car, I unlock it and put her in the passenger seat then I start to drive home.

Thank god nobody is home otherwise they would freak out, because I'm coming home so late on a school night. Or should I say Day as it's 4 am.

It's a struggle, but I somehow manage to carry Liza up to my room without hurting her.

I don't want to risk changing her into something comfy so I leave her how she is. I lay her gentley into my bed and pull the covers up around her.


Lizas pov

I wake up slowly and look around. I'm in a completely different atmosphere.

"The fuck?" I say. I look at a clock. 12 am.

"SCHOOL!" I say out loud.

Someone groans next to me. I look down and see David asleep. My heart starts beating fast.

What am I doing here?! In Davids bed?!

I get up and crawl on top of David and get out of his bed. I'm still in my clothes from yesterday. I look in a mirror. I look terrible.

David can't see me like this!
I leave his room and find a bathroom across the hall. I go inside and look frantically through the draws. I find make up remover wipes and some kid makeup.

"This will have to do," I say.

I remove last nights makeup except my eyebrows which happened to stay in place. I put on the concealer and realise it's to light for me.

I sigh and put on the mascara and leave. At least I look a little better. I type my hair up in a bun .

Then I feel like I'm missing something...
My phone!

I run into Davids room. He's still sound asleep.

Should I wake him or not?

diza // catching feelingsWhere stories live. Discover now