2: Showtime

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A/N: There will be a small bit of masturbation, heads up.

Jesse's grin grew wider, as Chain's face melted into a frown, twisted with hatred and anger. "Jesse..!" He had growled at the cowboy. "Jesse ya damned ingrate! We go on one mission, and next thing I know, you at my neck! Boy, I'mma fuck you up so bad, you'll wish you were aborted at the hospital!" Jesse grinned wider, lighting a new cigarillo between his lips "Come on, then!" He yelled, speeding off, un-holstering Peacekeeper and lobbing off a flash grenade, blinding the Deadlocks. Triumph revved, cocky as usual, her headlights glinting the sunlight. Soon enough, a swarm of angry Deadlocks, were on Jesse's tail, some firing blindly at the whooping cowboy, who fired potshots, some bullets connecting with engines or drivers, sending them to an inevitable spray of debris, human or not. McCree took a moment to look at the remaining Deadlocks. Chains had not followed. McCree grinned and pressed on the brakes with his boot. Triumph squealed to a halt, and McCree reloaded, as the other Deadlocks wheeled on ahead. With the lot all ahead. He said the three words.




Before the bikers could react, he unloaded his rounds into the last 7, one bullet perforating into another, with much gusto. He holstered Peacekeeper. There was a buzzing that he could hear. He walked over to the source. It was a radio, on a Deadlock corpse. Jesse picked up the radio to hear the familiar roar of Chains "Respond!" He buzzed. McCree took a moment and then spoke, with that drawl that whipped his words. "Why, Chains, don't be so mad. I only took on your squad and killed 'em all. Come meet me, outside the diner. We'll have a little talk there." He ended the comms and saw that the bartender who had served him and a little girl watched in awe. He tipped his hat and said "Sit tight ladies, this'll be over shortly." Soon enough, Chains showed up and they began.Chains reached for his rifle, and McCree spun out of the bullet's way, before firing and hitting Chains in his shoulder, rendering him useless. Jesse crouched at his former boss's slumped form, placing his wanted poster on him. "I could leave you as buzzard food, but I spared ya, so be mindful of that." With that, McCree tipped his hat at the observers, and began to walk off, Then Chains reached for his gun.


Chains' head whipped backwards, the blood splattering the little girl, and with Chains' (very little) brain matter. McCree looked back, his face cold. He then turned on his heel, leaving the scene. He rode back to the compound, lighting his Molotovs and launching them anywhere, burning the compound down. He grinned at his work and watched it burn. He sped off into the night, the grin playing upon his face again.

McCree was back in business.

Back at Overwatch...

Shit was hitting the fan. Gabriel was on another rampage at Morrison. The yelling went on, as usual. Lena listened in, as usual, then, Reyes brought something up which really brought down her morale. "You let Jesse die, didn't you?!? You turned a blind eye, and set a camera loop! Just like you did when you were 'writing up papers' when you really were out drinking!" Lena drew back, a bit worried. Would her commander, Morrison, set a camera loop, and not give a rats arse? She wanted to talk to someone, so she went up to her closest friend, Winston. The ape, sat, at his computer, clacking the keyboard almost furiously. "Hey, luv'" The slight twinge of gloom in her voice. The scientist responded with "Oh uh, hey Lena, how you holding up?" She sighed heavily. "I miss Jesse." Winston nodded. "I know, I miss him too. You two were close, weren't you?" Lena nodded gloomily. "Winston. Can ya keep a secret for me?" The gorilla stopped typing, and listened in. "I... I had feelings for him. I wanted to go tell him. Then he left. He didn't die... I love him so much." Winston hugged his best friend. "Lena, I'll keep your secret for you, just don't lie about death, okay?" She nodded, in his embrace, bottled up tears spilling. She detached after a minute or so. Her signature smile stretched on herself. "Thanks Winston, I knew I could rely on you." Just then, the bell to go home was sounded. Lena waved a two-finger goodbye, and zipped home, to her little Kings Row apartment. She kicked off her shoes and turned on her planted chronal accelerator, so she didn't have to wear her own. She went for a shower, stripping free of her Overwatch gear, blue and all. She wondered what would happen when Jesse came back, if the handsome cowboy did, that is. She also wondered, if he would accept her feelings, perhaps they might 'ave a cheeky fling. The brit's fingers slid down to the slit between her legs. Her mind ambled to the thought of him in her. She felt the pleasure begin, pulsing, as her nipples began hardening. Needing to fulfill her needs, she slid a finger in, gasping sharply at the feeling. She could almost feel McCree, pushing in her, she started whispering, between the ragged gasps "Oh god, just keep going, it's so good!" Her whispers developed into a full on wail, as she went faster and faster, having sat down in the shower. Then, her finale came. Her 'ultimate'. She took her time to compose herself.

While 2 doors down, Jesse had dropped in for a 1 night stay. While he was here, he shaved, until his old soul patch was left. He felt like a teen again, although 22. He heard yelling. It didn't shake his mind. He had a smoke and went down to the bar for a drink. He sat at a stool, and asked for a Jack Daniels on the rocks. He noticed a "Lena .O" on the key list. He was taken aback, and hastily bought the entire bottle. Swigging the bottle, he went out, in the cold night, looking for some card to leave her, for a small update. He came across a still open shop. Jesse walked into the shop, his spurs still jingling. He searched for an audio-message card. He picked a really funny one that read "I miss you more than a fat kid misses his wang." He laughed aloud at that. Back then, the two always cracked jokes like that. He took it to the counter, eyeing a cool belt buckle. He snagged it and put it on the counter. It read "BAMF". It suited him so well, after how he dealt with the Deadlocks. He paid, left and started to record his message. "Hey Lena, like the card? Heheheh... Anyhow, I got myself a brand new look. Fancy. I'll leave a photo for ya. Oh yeah, I managed to get that revenge I wanted so bad. So, I guess I won the bet. But no payment required, this one's on the house. Heh. Looks like I'm running out on time, so, stay safe. Don't look for me. Your friend forever, Jesse McCree." He also took a photo of himself. He slotted the lot into the envelope and shut it. He scrawled "Lena Oxton" on the front. Pocketing it, he walked back to the apartment complex. He walked up to his room, and slipped his letter to Lena's door, having memorized the number via the key box. He then went to his room and started undressing, to shower and sleep. He slipped out of his boots, took his hat off and rested it upon the chair's arm, gently, while flinging the rest of his other clothes on the floor. He cleaned up, and hit the sack, sleeping in the buck as usual. In the midst of his sleep, he heard his message play. A warm smile played upon McCree's and Oxton's lips, Lena's being more relieved and McCree being satisfied, the Cowboy found some rest.

A/N: Howdy! Now I want to set some things straight. In the card part, I am NOT trying to fat shame, I just picked it out because it made my friend laugh, and also, that one part of the duel, I took some inspiration from the Jesse McCree animation by "Dead Sound". Hats off to you. It's a grand animation! Oh yeah ummmm.... I dunno what to put here, maybe to boost the words for my ego, I dunno. Anyhow, see y'all in the next chapter!

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