Now listen,I didn't get tagged but I still want to do yeah! Don't judge!
Oops! This image does not follow our content guidelines. To continue publishing, please remove it or upload a different image. 1) Night on wattpad, Andrew irl (I know it's a guy name...just don't question it)
2) my eyes are green,but in weird light they look brown/yellow... :/
3) mostly dark brown,but I have a bit of blond and light brown
4) a fact about me... The fact I'm Polish? Or that I'm really,really good at climbing?
5) well...Black is my favourite,then blue and then it's a draw between green and purple
6) my room...
7) I don't really have one...
8) wolf...
9)ummm...I haven't two
Running wild:
Something different:
10) writing: Nick X Tommy/// Frozres
Reading: .....probably
+ The Visit + By pupplexo
Bullied by insecurities by shadow_dancer66And now,I'm not going to tag anyone,if you want to do it,go ahead! I'm not stopping you...