Special.. <3

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Wahhh!~ Happy Anniversary! We are finally celebrating the fact that we have been together for a year! 

Ah. I really can't believe it. A year has already passed.

Time flies so fast doesn't it?

So fast that you feel like you don't have enough time to spend with your significant other.

I just wanna say, thank you so, so much for being the best boyfriend I could have ever wished for.

You have filled all the pieces that were missing in my heart.

You've fixed and healed all my wounds and scars I felt in the past.

You have made my life even more better than before.

And you were definitely one of the best things that has ever happened to me.

And you were definitely one of the best things that has ever happened to me

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Therefore, I shall now call you My One and Only. Aka, moo :3

I have never experienced such happiness in my life until you came. It was probably fate but lets just say that we were "meant to be" instead. :)

But anyways, I could have never asked for anything better than you because I am so grateful for every single thing that you have done for me. Now I want to repay you since I feel guilty hehe.

I love with all my heart and that will never change. Not even one of the most biggest problems will stop me.

From the most magical dates to the silliest selfies, the warmest snuggles on the coldest nights to most amazing hugs and kisses, you have given me some of the best memories I could ask for, and I can't wait for more

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From the most magical dates to the silliest selfies, the warmest snuggles on the coldest nights to most amazing hugs and kisses, you have given me some of the best memories I could ask for, and I can't wait for more.

It's hard for me to describe this relationship even further because I know that adjectives aren't good enough to fully show how grateful I am meeting you.

I seriously appreciate every single moment that we have spent together because those moments were the best things that has happened in my life.

We laughed, cried, enjoyed, celebrated, ranted and joked together. All of those moment I would be sure to never forget.

Because you were special. And I hope you think the same way towards me.

I will be sure to always cherish all of the times we spent together because you never know when will be the last.

I will be sure to always cherish all of the times we spent together because you never know when will be the last

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So once again,

Happy Anniversary to us! I love you so much! :D <3


"Love is just a word until someone comes along and brings the word life."

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