I was never hers anyway

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You let out a deep sigh as you stared at the message written on a yellow sticky note in your hand.

‘Stop seducing him, you nasty little piece of shit. Get away from my man,’ the note read.

That’s the 4th one you’ve gotten. Today alone.

It’s times like this that you almost wished he didn’t transfer here.

~~~Three weeks ago~~~

“Class, I want all of you to be polite and give the warmest welcome to our new transfer student,” your homeroom teacher said as she gestured for the 18-year-old boy to enter the classroom.

A small round of applause was followed by a few audible gasps as he entered.

A 181cm, blonde boy walked in. He was lean but toned and his uniform fit him perfectly, accentuating his arms, chest, abdomen, and of course, his long legs. A pair of expensive-looking high top sneakers completed the outfit. The ray of sunlight looking into the classroom brought attention to his defined jawline and caused his chestnut-brown eyes to shine.

You blinked several times. This boy must be the most handsome human being you have ever seen and even that may be an understatement.

Right at that moment, his eyes caught yours and he smiled; his orbs formed two lines and the smile seemed to light up all his features. Your breath hitched in your throat.

“Hi everyone! My name is Oh Sehun, please look after me! I look forward to meeting all of you,” he introduced himself in a somewhat shy voice, followed by a bow.

Your teacher smiled at him, “alright, Sehun, go choose a seat and sit down, we have to start the lesson now.”

All the eyes in the classroom fell on Raena, the girl that was considered to be the prettiest in all of senior year. She was basically the queen of this school. With an attitude to match. Still, all the guys would do anything to sit beside her. You rolled your eyes when Sehun started to walk in her direction, since the empty seat was right in front of him. Of course he would go there. However, your eyes widened when he didn’t even acknowledge Raena’s existence and invitational gestures to him as he strolled right past the seat next to her.

Your breathing stopped altogether when he approached you instead and pointed to the empty seat beside you, “is this seat taken? May I sit here?”

All you could do was nod slightly.

He gave you that heart-stopping smile again and settled down beside you.

Just like that, you became seatmates with Oh Sehun.


Slowly shutting your locker door closed, you slung the strap of your school purse over your shoulder and walked out of the high school side doors. The hate note lied crumpled inside a recycling bin.

Hugging your history textbook to your chest, you prayed that the ones who always managed to find you somehow miraculously forgot about your existence. No such luck.

Your insides twisted into knots when you looked up to see the three girls, or should you say, demons, approaching you.

Squeezing your eyes closed, you desperately hoped that this was only a terrible nightmare, that they would be gone once you opened your eyes.  Nope. Still there. And looking as menacing as ever.

You turned on your heels and started walking in the opposite direction. It didn’t matter that it would take you longer to get home. As long as you can avoid these girls, anything sounded great to you at the moment.

But before you even had the chance to get two meters away, a strong shove from the back threw you to the pavement. Your textbook flew out of your arms and both your knees scraped the ground.

You winced slightly and since this isn’t the first time she has done this, you began to gather up your stuff and get up.  A kick to your hand sent all your stuff flying again.

“Yah! I told you to stay the hell away from him! What part of that do you not understand?” the queen bee yelled at your face.

You bit your lips to fight back the tears as you answered her in an unsteady voice, “I told you, I’m not trying to have anything with him, we’re just seatmates, we have to sit together, that’s all.”

Her perfectly manicured hand landed on your cheek harshly, “Seatmates my ass. I saw you talking and laughing with him. Look at me. I’m Kim Raena, the prettiest girl in school. WHY THE HELL WOULD HE WANT TO SIT WITH A NOBODY LIKE YOU?! STOP FLIRTING WITH MY MAN!”

She picked up your purse, dumped everything out onto the ground and threw it off to the side.

Her followers kicked you in the stomach and chest, and Raena slapped you again. A bright red mark formed on your cheek as it burned from the contact.

“Listen up, you little prostitute, you better get away from Oh Sehun or else you’ll regret ever being born,” she sneered, losing all of the elegance that she had walking in the hallways of the school.

She tore your uniform jacket open, ripped your blouse and with her followers pinning you down, you could only watch her with eyes full of distress.

She raised her hand, about to hit you again, when a strong grip held her back. Raena looked at the hand and then the face associated with it. She let out a gasp and immediately let go of you.

“S-Sehun, I-I……this isn’t what it looks like,” she stuttered, mentally cursing herself for not doing this in a more discreet place.

Sehun gave her a death glare, “if I ever catch you harming her, or anyone else again, your parents are going to have a meeting with the principal. Now leave!” He warned her with a scarily threatening voice, one that you’ve never heard him use before.

Raena and the two other girls got up immediately and ran away, full of embarrassment and scared silly that they would be caught by someone else.

Sehun bent down beside you and his eyes met yours.

Anger melted into worry.

You held his gaze for a few seconds before gathering your scattered things and putting them back into your purse. Then you took your jacket from the ground and tried to get up, only to end up in Sehun’s strong arms. Your knees were bleeding so badly that blood even managed to stain your socks.

Sehun sat you back down and took off his jacket to place around your shoulders. Then he looked at you again, “is this why you wouldn’t talk to me anymore? Because they were threatening you? Why didn’t you tell me?”

You sighed as you shook off his jacket, “don’t worry about it, it’s not a big deal anyway,” you brushed him off and tried to get up and walk away before tears washed down your cheeks.

Sehun’s hands grabbed your arms as he turned you to look at him, “don’t worry about it?! Not a big deal?! Look at you! If I didn’t happen to have soccer practice today and walk this way, they would’ve ripped you apart!” His voice was filled with frustration and regret because he didn’t discover this earlier.

You turned your back to him and bit your lips, “it doesn’t matter, it doesn’t hurt…”

Before you finished your sentence, Sehun wrapped his arms around you from behind and rested his cheek on your head. You felt his warmth surround you.

The tears that threatened to fall earlier finally spilled over.

Sehun’s pained voice flowed to your ears, “but it hurts me. A lot.”

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25, 2014 ⏰

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