Mason 'Brandy' de-Fleur is everything in a man that Ebony's mother warned her about; he's a mysterious playboy with a tendency to get in the pants of every girl he meets. Ebony's only seen him wandering campus and during her evening shifts at the lo...
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E b o n y
"Good morning, Redwood Campus, and welcome to another beautiful day!"
I sat up at the sound of my radio singing a classic tune by Abba.
"Turn that white shit off, Ebony, or I'll wring your neck like a goose." My roommate, Ashleigh, didn't have a good taste in music. Me, on the other hand; my iTunes was home to the historical gems of music; housing the legendary voices of C'est Chic down to Don McLean.
I heard her groan and toss a pillow my way, which I easily dodged. Without her glasses, Ash was blind as a bat. That gave me an advantage in the mornings when she was a little grumpier than usual. Our mornings started the same every day; I wake up and then turn on some jams for Ashleigh to wake up to (sometimes peacefully, other times not.) Then I get dressed from her closet or mine, wearing the first thing my fingertips grace. Early in the semester, I would have been very picky about wearing my clothing and not my grumpy roommate's, but by now I couldn't distinguish which article of clothing was mine or hers. Our closets were two pigsties, flooded with her signature plaid blouses and my man-sweaters that I steal from Jayden.
I don't know where Jayden and I stand, but it's somewhere between middle-school besties and hookups in the showers after class. I think I love him; I say it to him all the time, but I can't remember the last time I said I love you and meant it.
Jay doesn't mind when I snag a cologne-drenched hoodie from his closet every now and then, but he isn't very tolerant when Ashleigh slips one of his prized lacrosse sweaters on. Apparently, only I'm allowed to wear those.
The thought used to make me blush, but then I grew up.
"I need to borrow some concealer, Ash." I chirped, scrolling through my feed while tapping my foot to the steady thrum of Dancing Queen.
"My shit's never gonna fit you, Ebbs, I've told you about my--"
"Yellow undertones, I know. But I don't care; I've got one massive volcano on my cheek and I'm not about to go to Art History looking like a failed portrait by Vincent Van Gogh." I sighed into the early spring air, tossing my phone back onto my bed at the sound of Ashleigh's humoured giggling. She was so lucky her skin was flawless.
"Fine, you maniac, but don't come crying to me when Jay starts calling you Oompa Loompa." Ash replied with a groan, stretching her hands overhead and sitting up to peer out our dorm window. The snow was just melting off the ground, leaving the campus looking sludgy with rotting leaves and mud. I hated the spring, but I hated summer even more.