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Adam's P.O.V.
"Adam, everyone​ thinks we're stuck up and snobby because.. we'll our dad is kinda..." I nod for him to continue.

"Rich, has lots of money. I don't know what I can call it without sounding selfish." I smile and laugh to myself as Samandriel looks like he about to cry and the others are offended.

"Oh I'm not laughing at you or at what you said. I just people always live by stereotypes."
The rest nod and Samandriel look as if he want to laugh to but continues eating. A few seconds later a golden haired boy stands by me.

"Andy already got a boyfriend I'm impressed." Samandriel face turns red and glares at him.

"Um...I'm not dating anyone." I say and he sits and whispers yet as if I can't hear it.

"Who's Andy?" Samandriel elbows me.

"He calls me Andy because he says Samandriel is to long." I nod and start eating again.

"So Andy did you introduce​ the kiddo to us." We shake hands.

"Name?" He asks.

"Adam, yours?" I say.

"Gabriel, that is Cassie, Anna, Luci, Mikey and Balthazar." The one he called Cassie glared.

"It's Castiel." I smile and Castiel smiles back.

"So Adam do you have other friends?" I'm​ about to ask why but just answer the question.

"Kinda her name Is Charlie and she wanted me to sit by her but I said I was already sitting by someone else." Micheal nods.

Then Gabriel pops up and looks at me,"Are you related to Sam? Just because he's new your new, kinda thing." I nod and Samandriel looks down his face turning red as he shakes his head but I don't know why.

"Well your bro is hot." I almost spit out my drink and Lucifer bursts out laughing. I watch as Castiel tells him he can't just tell someone there bother is hot and then Anna says Dean is cute. I honestly think this family is one of a kind.

"I'm sorry" Samandriel glares at Gabriel,"he doesn't use his brain much." I laugh and the others smile as Gabriel looks genuinely hurt.

I was done and was waiting​ for them or at least Samandriel to finish. He finished a couple minutes after and then we went outside.

"How's your family like?" He asks as we sit down by a tree in the field.

"Well I have two half-brother,Dean and Sam.I have my dad too, m-my mom but she..nevermind." He nods and starts to make something with flowers I roll my eyes and lay down and look up at the sky and start to think.

Why is he being so nice? Is he just doing this so he can start to know you, you tell him secrets. Then blackmails you with them. Probably not your just being paranoid. Or are you? Yes you are. Shut up. Fine.

"Adam I made you something." I look up to see Samandriel holding a flower crown. I laugh as he sets it on my head. I stand up and yell.

"I'm king of the world!" Other students look at me as if I'm crazy. I look at Samandriel and he smiles at me.

"Yes you are." He then stands by me and grabs my crown.

"I guess I'm king know." I almost grab it but Samandriel holds on to my crown and starts to run away. I roll my eyes as he stops to look back at me and waves the flower crown.

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