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"Aimof forht theeb bestia."

"Forht means afraid in Old English. Theeb means wolf in Arabic. Bestia means beast in Latin. Still, what does aimof mean?"

"Could aimof actually mean aim of?"

My classmates Fumino and Megu, and the rest of us tried to desperately translate this sentence but to no avail. Twelve minutes have passed since we were tasked to know it's meaning. Right now we, the students of 1-C are inside of our classroom. The glass windows are closed as well as the doors. The time in my watch says 3:00 but it was already stuck on that time for some time now.

"Aim of afraid wolf beast. So does that translate to: the aim of the wolf is to summon the beast of fear?"

"How did you even come up with the word summon? Are you retarded Kirigaya-kun?"

"W-Who? Who are you calling retarded, Oreki!?"

Fumino is right with her translations. But what does aimof mean? Is that even a word? We've already come this far, but are we going to lose this time?

"Everyone! I got it. I know how to clear this round."

That's right. To clear this round. We, the class of 1-C are forced to play a game. A game where we play while we put are lives on the line. It happened suddenly, in the middle of class.


The sound of the school building shaking can be heard.

"It's an earthquake!"


"I don't want to die yet!"

Screams of students echoes in the classroom. In these kind of situations, one would try to escape to safety. But the earthquake's magnitude was so strong that the students cannot even try to go under their desk.



Out of nowhere an earthquake started. But in a matter of seconds, it stopped. This made the students confused since they were thinking it would last longer and an after shock would follow.


"Is it over?"

"Did you hear that strange noise? Like a ripping or popping..."

"Is it possible for an earthquake to be that short?"

What was that?

Some of the students, scared out of their wits due to the sudden earthquake are now being talkative inside the classroom, a typical scene when something unusual happened so sudden. It's like seeing a truck hit a car. Even though people might have died from the crash, people tend to talk especially if some people are already helping the victims.


The weird noise that sounds like a static was heard again in the classroom. This time, the students were able to identify that the sound came from the built-in portable speaker attached at the corners of their classroom. Suddenly a voice was heard from the speaker.

"Welcome to the Classroom of Truth! My name is Kami. We're going to play a game, Class 1-C."

Someone who identified himself as Kami announced the class has to play a game even though an earthquake just ended. The teacher tried to respond and said it as loud as he can to calm the students.

"Who is it!? Who's the one playing this awful prank!!?"

As a follow up action, the teacher tried to get out of the class to check the announcement room and teach the culprit of the prank a lesson.

"The door!"

"Teacher, the windows won't open!"

The teacher tried to open the door to get outside of the classroom but it won't budge at all. Also, a student tried to open the windows but it won't open as well.

"The last person standing will be the only one allowed to leave."

The being calling himself Kami declared that only one person can leave. Still the students won't stay silent and believe the words Kami said. A student tried to smash the windows using the chair. He believed that their safety is the priority than the property of the school.

"The window glass won't break, either! We can't get out! What's going on!?"

"Looks like you've recovered from the initial panic of finding out that you're trapped."

As if to completely show his full control of the situation Kami talked again through the speaker. First an earthquake. Now, they are trapped inside a classroom. In the beginning, the students are really scared but now that they completely understand there is no way out, they of course would at least listen to the authority that would allow them to leave. Still, the teacher knows they should not get caught in Kami's schemes.

"It's okay! Soon, someone outside will realize something's wrong and come to help us-"

"Impossible. Time has stopped within the classroom. When you leave the classroom, you will return to reality and time will resume."

"A-As if I could believe that!"

"As you witness with your own eyes the events that are about to unfold, you will come to believe it, even if you do not wish to. Now then, let's begin the first game."


Players left: 38.

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