Chapter 1: The 1st Game -Part 1-

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Chapter 1: The 1st Game

"Those who do a certain thing will begin to disappear, and the last remaining person will be allowed to leave."

As simple as that, the first game started. It never occurred to us that this would cause a drift to our relationship as classmates.

"What? Is that it? What is this "certain thing"? Hey, Kami! Explain yourself! If we don't understand the rules-"

One of my classmates, Oreki, had responded to get a clear rule of what it takes to lose in the game. To be honest, I want to know the answer as well. Right now, surviving the first game is my priority.

"You'll understand shortly. Just do your best, and focus on being the last man standing."

If what Kami is saying is true, what does "people will disapperear" mean? Does that equal to death? What do I do then? Should I try to break the windows as well? No, I'm fully aware that's not going to work. Should I focus on finishing the game? Kami said only one person will be allowed to leave. Do I wait for some people to lose?

"Th-This must be a joke."

"This is creepy!"

Joke? Creepy? Are my classmates still not getting this situation? They should know by now that if they want to survive, they should at least remain calm. At least I think the teacher is calm.

"Calm down! If we all work together, we can get out of here!"

That's right teacher! Make everyone calm through your words. You're the perfect person to-



The sound of something popping like a balloon was heard.

What happened? The teacher vanished like thin air!?

"First loser: Mr. Nakamura. 37 remain."

Kami spoke through the mic like an announcer from a basketball game. This just made everyone feel more uneasy. He thinks this is just a game after all.

"H-He disapperead!"

"If this is real, then I have to get rid of these kids somehow..."

Even though the teacher is already gone, we heard his voice. Those are words that we, the class of 1-C, heard throughout the classroom.

"His voice..."


"Get rid of us?"

"His true thoughts?"

My classmates seems quick on the uptake. I guess seeing a person vanish like thin air would make someone more concious of their situation. And it seems other people would really try to remove others in this game. But that's the worst. And I'm guilty of that as well. I should survive this game while trying to save the others.

"If you lie, you'll disappear! And then what you really were thinking will remain!"

"Wh-What the hell are you talking about, Miki? That's impossible! Aah!"


"The second loser: Tagami. 36 remain."

"Idiot. He shouldn't have said that. If the others hadn't realized it yet and kept talking, more of them would have disappeared!"

It's true! Though it's not certain that you disappear if you lie, people are disappearing! How can I get out of this classroom? And this is only the first game!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2017 ⏰

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