~Part 12~

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*~Gracelyn~*~Thirteen Weeks Pregnant~*

I'm fat. 

I don't like being fat. 

These kids better be real fucking cute. 

"Grace?"  Mason calls from inside his bedroom. I'm in the bathroom,  I just got out of the shower. He is supposed to be hanging out with Jason. He wanted to leave me with Katelyn, like I need a babysitter. 

I so do not need a babysitter. 

"I'll be out in a second!" I call as I wrap a towel around myself and walk out of the bathroom and into Mason's bedroom. He's sitting on the bed texting. 

"Why aren't you with Jason?" I ask as I start to change into my underwear. He looks up at me and his eyes scan my pretty-much-naked body.  "He was being a dick so I left." Sounds about right. 

I'm not the biggest fan of his friends. I don't really know them but they never really spoke to me when I hung out with them. Well let my rephrase that- I don't like Jason. He's a tool, conceited, and a flirt. Tyler and Claire are obviously together and Jason kept hitting on her. 

Claire was such a sweetheart. I don't know what happened to her, but I do know that it was pretty bad. No one talks about it or mentions that she can't remember much. 

"Oh well do you want to come babysit with me? It might be good practice." I say with a smile as I pull on some red leggings and a black v-neck t-shirt. It makes my  huge baby bumps super prominent. I hate being fat. 

"Who are you babysitting?" Mason asks curiously. 

"My brother's kids. They all need  a break and I offered to watch their kids, ya know for practice. It'd be good  for both of us." I explain while I put my black, thick curls in a ponytail. 

"Yeah I'll go, it can't be that bad." 


"Okay you could've mentioned how many kids we were going to be watching beforehand, Grace." Mason huffs as he  changes Lydia's diaper for the second time since we've been here. 

"I thought you knew I have four nephews and a niece?" I respond from where I sit on the floor with my one of my nephews. We're playing with race cars. 

Three of them belong to Vincent and his wife; Elliot, Liam and Cain. And the  last one belongs to Luke and  his partner, Jeff. His name is Jackson. 

Jackson and Cain-they're both three- are currently taking a nap before dinner. Elliot is  watching television- he's eleven. And Liam-he's six- is playing cars with me. 

"It would've been nice for you to mention that we would be watching all of them at once, Gracelyn." Ooh he  full named me, burn? 

"Next time I'll make sure to print something up for you. Now can you please go wake the boys up?" He salutes me, like the giant nerd he is, and leaves to go wake up my three year old nephews. 

I get up off the floor and walk over to where Lydia is in her bassinet. I pick her up and set her down on the floor on her special blanket thing. 

"Are you gonna have a baby?" Liam asks as he points at my belly. I didn't think he'd notice it. It's big but  it doesn't look like I'm nine months pregnant. Just like I'm super bloated in my stomach area. I hate it. 

"I'm going to have two babies." I tell  him with  a smile. I hear Elliot groan.  "Something wrong El?" 

"Nope." He says with  a pop of the 'p'.  Elliot is going that phase where he's kind of a jackass. Whatever. 

"Are they boys or girls?" Liam asks with a curious  glint in his hazel eyes.  "We don't know yet bud. They're too little to tell. Do you wanna help me make dinner?" I ask changing the subject. He nods and we both stand up, he runs ahead to the kitchen. 

I pick Lydia up from the ground and hold her with one hand, with the other I move her bassinet  into the kitchen. I set her down in it and turn around. Liam is sitting on the counter waiting for me. 

"Mac'n cheese?" He nods so I walk over to the cupboard and pull out four boxes of Mac'n cheese. They're little and I have four kids, a very hungry teenage boy, and a pregnant lady to feed. 

"Do you know where the pots are?" Liam shakes his head  and I groan.  "Elliot! Where are the pots?" I call into the other room.  "Above the stove!" He responds. He's being surprisingly helpful, with that one thing. Still helpful. 

I pull a pot down and fill it with water. I put it on the stove to boil and after five minutes I pour all the boxes of pasta in. 

"Can you get the milk and butter out of the fridge?" I ask Liam. He shouts something and runs over to the fridge. I  walk back into the other room when I hear Mason's voice. 

He's sitting on the couch with Jackson and Cain cuddled up against him. It's adorable. He has them under either arm. Jackson has  his thumb in his mouth and Cain has his special blanket. I pull out my phone and snap a few pictures of it. 

What? I'm pregnant, I'm allowed to be emotional. 

"Gracie! It's puking!" Liam yells. I walk back to the kitchen and see him standing over  the bassinet where Lydia has spit up on herself. Again.  God this kid. I throw the burp cloth over my shoulder and pick her up. And then, because the world is out to get  me, the mac'n cheese starts boiling over. 

I hurry over to it, baby still in hand, and try to get it stop. I can't pick that up with one hand and I can't put her down. Shit.

"Mason! Come here!" I shout, exasperated. I've been here for two hours and I'm done. I'm going to be such a bad mum. I can't even watch my niece and nephews for two hours before I lose my shit. How am I going to be a mum?!

"I've got two children on me at the moment babe!" He calls back. I huff, I have  surpassed being at the end of my stick.  "I need help!" I all but scream. I can feel the tears starting to well in my eyes. The baby is screaming, Liam is screaming, I'm crying, the water is boiling over. 

Masons runs into the room, moves the pot off the stove and consoles Liam. Thank god. 

After  Liam runs from the room  to go sit with his brothers and cousin Mason comes over to me. "You okay?" I shake my head and sniff, trying to keep the tears at bay. At least Lydia's not screaming anymore. 

"What's wrong?" He asks, lightly taking Lydia out of  my arms. I reach up and wipe my face, "Mason I can't even do this.  I can't watch five kids for two hours without having a freak out. I'm going to be the world's worst mother." 

He puts his free hand under my chin and tilts it so I'm looking at him, "You're going to be an amazing mom, Grace. Our kids are so lucky they get you to be their mom. You've already done so much, sacrificed so much, for them. I wouldn't want anybody else to be the mother of my children but you." 

And then Lydia starts screaming. 

"I'll grab the bottle. Can you feed her and I'll  dish up for  the rest of the kids?" Mason nods, we high five, and then go to our respective posts. 

And I pray that within the next four hours, no one dies. 

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