Chapter 9

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Amy(I lied a bit)

Amy kneeled in front of the camera, tears irritating the corners of her eyes as she watched Mark's expression alternate between furious and the face of someone who has given up. She heard a small chuckle behind her and she could just feel Seán's smile growing wider and burning the back of her neck.

"Oh! One small tip. If you come and try to take your precious blondy by force, I'll rip the hair from her scalp, tear her limb from limb, and scatter the pieces throughout the forest for the wolves and coyotes."

Amy whimpered and screamed, goosebumps covering her body. Her muscles tensed and she couldn't stop shivering out of fear. She struggled while Seán's grip on her hair grew. He threw her to the ground, out of view of the camera and she landed with a thump. She curled up into a ball, hands still tied behind her back and rubbing at the skin on her wrists. She wrenched her fingers, trying to ignore the pain but failing miserably, only making it worse.

"No!" she heard Mark shout from inside the monitor.

"Keep the computer with you, Fischbach. We'll contact you again." Seán ended the call, turning to face her. "Ohm. Put her in the room. Signe, stay in the room and keep watch on her." A man, wearing only a bandana with the Greek letter Omega slapped onto it over his eyes and the bridge of his nose, walked over and picked her up by her upper arm.

He gently led her out the door, Signe following not far behind, and to an elevator. The ride to the fifth floor and to a padded room was completely silent. Ohm just threw Amy into the room after removing her restraints, warned Signe about anything and told her to be careful, then closed the door behind him.

Amy moved to a corner of the room and pulled her legs to her chest, burying her head in her knees. She heard Signe sit down next to her, but she didn't say a word.

A few awkward minutes passed, occupied only by Amy's soft sobs, before she finally lifted her head and turned to Signe on her right.

She was wearing ripped jeans, a baggy black sweatshirt labelled "Misery is all the rage," and a pair of black sneakers. Her short black hair was folded behind her ears and she was staring thoughtfully up at the padded ceiling.

"Aren't you supposed to be, you know, cautious of me? What if I try to hurt you by choking you or something?" Amy asked, genuinely curious as to why Signe was so close and so calm to her.

"I would be if I actually thought you would do those things." she noted, turning her dull green gaze towards Amy's dark brown.

Amy blinked, unsure of what to say for a few moments.

"I honestly wish I had your life." Signe began, looking down at the floor. "Just me and Seán, sitting in a restaurant, enjoying a nice date on a comfortable Thursday afternoon. He would tell a joke or call me one of the dumb nicknames he's given me, and I'd laugh and we'd have a great time." Amy watched as Signe wiped a tear from her cheek. "But no. I had to grow up in a family of criminals, whom I've never spoken to in three years. I had to meet Seán through a gang. He had to be the leader and I had to follow him for a while. I had to go with him on robberies, help him with murders, go with him everywhere." She smiled for a moment. "I had to get to know him in his off-time, when he wasn't killing someone or robbing a place. I got to enjoy his dorky laugh, being called Wiish, Woosh, Tiny Voosh, Woosher, Doucher," she chuckled while saying that one. "Tiner One, Sean Bean."

Amy just stared, moving slowly from being shocked about her life to being sympathetic to it. She wrapped an arm around Signe's shoulder and helped wipe tears away from her eyes, trying to avoid her makeup with shaky hands.

Signe took a deep breath. "Sorry... I just-" Signe broke out in tears, her face melting into a frown.

Amy pulled her into a hug and let her cry into her shoulder. She rubbed the back of her head silently and let the vibrations of her sobs shake her body.

Signe pulled away and rubbed her eyes, leaning against the wall and staring up at the ceiling again.

"Right now, Mark's not exactly..." Amy paused, Signe turning to face her. "Stable... Mentally..."

Signe's sorrow was replaced by curiosity. "What do you mean?"

"Well, ever since the incident, Mark's got his heart set on making Seán pay. What he means by 'pay,' I'm not totally sure, but I know that he'll regret it later if he does something stupid." Amy folded her hair subconsciously behind her ear and stared down at the floor. Ever since this battle between Mark and Seán started, he just threw his health out the window. He was avoiding sleep, forgetting to feed himself, Amy would go to his house and see him at his desk with Seán's papers scattered all over it.

Amy lifted her head, an idea rushing through her mind. "Hey, uh, Signe right?" she asked. Signe nodded, eyes growing calmer and less irritated. "How about we get Seán the help he needs, because he very clearly has PTSD and maybe Schizophrenia. So you and I, somehow, go to the police and tell them about Seán's issues. He can get help and you two can live a normal and happy life together!"

Signe's face lit up and a smile filled with pure joy stretched across her features. "Oh my god that would be amazing!" She leaped towards Amy, despite how close together they were, and tackled her to the ground, both erupting in fits of laughter.

"Okay! Get offa me!" Amy cajoled, lightly shoving the giggly, bubbly ball of pure Danish happiness off.

Signe tried to contain herself, and she did so just enough to talk and actually be understood. "We'll do it late at night when there's less security around. I'll wait and let you out when it's time. If we run into anything, then I'll let you know and I'll handle it." Amy nodded in response, and Signe left the room.

Does it seem like this is coming to an end? Yes. Is it actually? Nupe. I gotz planz mah manz.

Also, I'm leaving to visit family on Wednesday and I'll be gone for a little over two weeks. I'll be bringing my laptop with me so I will be working on the stories and whatever, they just won't be posted until I get back.

Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter!

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