Chapter 11

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Riele's  P. O. V

The weekend and Monday went past quicker than I thought. On Saturday after everybody made up, well accept me and jerkface we're still not friends, I would say just more like acquaintances. Anyways back to what I was saying, we all got our nails and hair done and by we I mean just Ella, Jade, Glory, Jade'en, and Reiya. They all got acrylics and got their hair done in a different way, while I just got my real nails painted clear and my hair, well I didn't have my hair done so yeah. Now Sunday was just a lazy day for me. Me and jade did Ella's makeup for her date with mace, and than after that I just watched Netflix and texted jace. And yes I was texting him and called him by his real name, he's actually pretty funny, smart,and cute- yeah I'm going over board with the cute. So now its Tuesday and I'm stuck in clas-

"Tiger, are you paying attention?" Jace asked me while poking me with the end of a pencil. He only been calling me it for about 3 days and its annoying as fuck. I look- no I glare up at him making him laugh.

"Stop fucking calling me that." I gritted through my teeth while he still is poking me with his pencil. I snatch the pencil from him and throw it all the way across the room." How come you get to call me jerkface." He whines like a 9 year old boy who's telling there mom that its not fair.

"Fine if I stop calling you jerkface will you stop calling me tiger?" I ask hoping he says yes and he can stop calling me that stupid name.

"Sure why not, tiger." He says and I just groan, roll my eyes and look up to the front to see Mrs. Johnson standing their watching us." Well Ms. Downs and Mr. Norman are you guys finally done flirting over here." She says while smirking and walking over to us.

"Ok first of all we weren't flirting and second you weren't even talking." I say and she walks back to her desk still smirking.

"I was speaking, you two was just over there flirting too much, but anyways as I was saying who has done the project I have assigned you guys." I rolled my eyes once more and looked around the room to see no one had raised there hand.

"No one did the project!" She shouted looking around the room again to see if at least one person did it." Mrs. J that project was for like 1st graders we're 12th graders, so no one was going to do it." Promise one of my classmates yelled out because she sat in the very back.

"Ok so if you guys are 12th graders I will assign you a project that is due tomorrow."


"Yep, and you have to work with the partner you had for the other project." By now I was evening groaning and rolling my eyes, I was just hitting my head on the desk." Tiger what's wrong, you should be lucky you have a partner like me." Jace says while trying to pull me up from hitting my head. When he did managed to do it I was just sitting there glaring at everyone in the room.

"Perfect, I have the perfect one for you guys. You will have to do a report on a country I assign you and your partner." Mrs. J finally says after she found a project for us." That actually sounds easy Mrs. J." Me and jace both say at the same time.

"Oh who said I was done, you will have to dress like them, make at least 2 of their culture food and will have to learn their language in less than 24 hours.

"WHAT!" The whole class shouts again at this ridiculous project we have to do." Wonderful you love it just like me, now I will call your group and you need to come get your country." She says and starts calling names.

"So tiger what country do you want."

" I want American so that I don't have to do shit." I reply to him and he starts laughing out of nowhere.

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