What just happened?!

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When Jimin gets closer his lips were touching mine,it brought back memories but not good ones bad ones something i never told anyone that i kept hidden from everyone,without realizing tears were rolling down my cheeks and without a doubt i knew it was going to happen again (why ....why me why..again what did i do?!) When i turn to look at Jimin he had a worried face, he just stopped and hugged me as hard as he could,"im sorry, im sorry" he kept on repeating over and over again "i was just playing around with you...im sorry"hiding my face in his chest i answer "sorry it was just a throw back" he stooped hugging me and asked "what happened if you mind telling me?"

When i finished telling him that story i had never told anyone he was there is shock "sorry i had to bring that back",he says hugging me "its fine i had to let all my feelings out" i said Jimin was the first to know my dark secret ,well at least he knows not to play around like that with me, " thanks i know that had to be hard telling someone you just met " oh right we just met ha i just remembered,it just seemed like we knew eachother for so long "well i just trust you keeping this secret".

The next morning the boys kept knocking and knocking "is everything ok?!" Me and Jimin were just sleeping but i guess the boys dint get the clue so Jimin and I just ignored them and kept sleeping when I woke up i look at the side Jimin was sleeping in and Notice HE Is lOokInG aT ME?! Was he just there looking at me sleeping "good morning (y/n)"said jimin pretending like he wasn't looking at me the whole Time! "Good morning jim,how long have you been looking at me?"i answer "oh you saw me heh... well since i woke up ,you just look soo cute when you are sleeping (y/n)" i dint even notice but my cheeks were red Jimin grabs my cheek and says" and you look soo cute when you are blushing,now i know why jeon likes you", "he likes me?!"i say in shock then remember i have school "oh shit i have to go to school has my mom knocked yet?!" Jimin just looking at me says"no its 6:00am" (oh right)"thanks you guys can stay as long as you like,also if you like you guys can come see the show at school its at 2:10pm" and like that my mom drives me of to school

Its about to be time and im getting nervous i have to sing for the whole school, and also if BTS comes it makes more people  urghhhh what if i mess up, i head over to the classroom for rehearsals before the show starts there is still 30minutes befor it starts and im the last performance so what do i have to lose 20minutes pas and i head over to the back stage looking at people running around and dancing

When my turn comes i head to the stage did i mention im singing three songs one with my friends and the last two by my self when my friends get in stage the song starts i dont dare to look for bts that is going to mess me up the first song is (As If It's Your Last by BLACKPINK) when we finish people are screaming and cheering for us then the teacher says "Now for our solo (y/n) she will be singing Why and I by TAEYEONG also she is going to be joined by John"people clap and cheer i start singing (Why) when im done everyone even the people in backstage start cheering me on and clapping and like that i say "now im going to sing I by TAEYEONG hope you enjoy oh im also going to be joined my John in this song" when i start singing i can see people where just surprised and emotional John starts rapping while looking at me like he meant it, in my school they were rumors that John had a crush in me for the longest time but had had ignores them but looking at John and singing with him i  start to think he doesn't seem to be such a bad guy, without knowing i had finished singing and everyone from back stage came to the stage and bowed to the audience while the audience clapped and screamed

After the show my friend kept telling me "you were the most talented up there (y/n) " ,"yeah you and John should totally get together,you guys were soo cute singing together" said one of friend Ashley "ha i dont even know him that well , also i got to go to the class room before i go home soo see you guys tomorrow"i said rushing to the classroom when i arrive to the classroom John is there it looks like he is waiting for someone so i just go to the teacher "oh you were wonderful (y/n) i wish i was as talented as you" says your teacher "thanks miss i was just singing from what you though me thanks for everything"you say while leaving the room but someone calls your name

Author:ha you guys though this chapter you guys were going to see some nasty things naughty kids now a days 😂😂 either way love you guys,😘

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