38. Quidditch Injuries

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"Whoa, Chloe, slow down. You're gonna be the size of an elephant," says Sirius looking at my plate of food. I roll my eyes.

"Says the guy who I'm always telling to stop eating," I say. "We have a game today. And-"

"And what?" Sirius says.

I clear my throat. "Lady problems." He needs no further explanation.


"If you guys don't stop arguing, I'll make you all run twenty laps around the field after the game!" I shout. That shut them up. I've sat here for the past ten minutes listening to the entire quidditch team arguing. Can't people learn to listen to their captain? "Now," I continue. "Let's got out here and win this thing!"

The entire team lines up to run onto the field with James, Sirius, and I in the front. I look to James and then to Sirius. "You ready?"

"When am I not ready?" says Sirius.

"I don't know. Just thought I'd ask."

"Gryffindor versus Slytherin!" a voice announces. "Let the match... begin!"

And here we go. Another quidditch game. I soar into the air. Higher and higher. I can see everything from up here.

The match goes on at a steady pace, until someone shouts my name. "CHLOE! LOOK OUT!"

And then I see it. A bludger headed straight for me. So what do I do? Try to escape? No, that obviously wouldn't work. But I spend too much time making my decision. And the bludger hits me in the shoulder.

I hear- and feel- the bone break. The impact was so hard that it knocked me off of my broom. At this point, I don't even try to hold on, or save myself. I just let my body hit the ground with a loud thud.


I'm running again. My body feels heavier, like I've gotten older.

"Stupify!" someone shouts.

I have a gut feeling that that spell was directed towards me, so I shout, "Progeto!"

And then the battle turns into a death trap of nonverbal spells.


And then I wake up.

I instantly recognize the white ceiling and the bright lights as the hospital wing. I try to sit up, but it sends a sharp pain through my shoulder and my head, so I lay back down.

"Oh! You're awake! Yes, yes, very good," says Madame Pomfrey, and literally scares the living daylights out of me when she sticks her head right overtop of mine. "It's too bad, really. I just shooed over half of the team away, but what was I supposed to do? These people have classes!"

When she's finally through with her rant, I feel that's it's safe to speak, so I say, "W-what happened?"

"Oh, you got a concussion when you fell. Not to mention your shoulder. You landed on your leg and broke the bottom of it. I mended those bones back, but it's very important that you don't move your shoulder until I say it's safe." She pours some liquid into a cup and hands it to me. "Drink up." When I don't move, she speaks again, "It's for the pain."

I swallow the liquid, which tastes like cow poop smells, and struggle to keep it down.

"Yes, well, you did better than most people do," says Madame Pomfrey. "You've always been a fast recoverer on your own, but drink this," she says while handing me another cup. "It's to help you heal quicker."

The second liquid doesn't taste any better. Again, I struggle to keep it down.

"Now," says Madame Pomfrey. "You need some rest. I can assure you that your friends will be here right after classes." She pauses for a minute when she sees my expression. "They always are."


And she's right.

When I wake up, and try to sit up, the rest of the Marauders and Lily are here, watching me sleep. That's actually really creepy, but whatever. I wouldn't trade my friends for the world.

"Hey, Chloe," says Lily.

"Hey," I say. This time, I actually succeed in sitting up, and only just now become aware of the bandages around my shoulder and head.

"You got banged up pretty bad," says James.

"Yes, I see that," I retort.

"I tried to get to the bludger before it hit you, Chloe-"

"It's not your fault, Sirius," I say.

"Yes, it is." He looks at me and I can see the sorrow in his eyes.






"No. Wait, what?"

I laugh. "See, you admitted it: it's not your fault."

He sighs in response. "Whatever. Go back to sleep. Madame Pomfrey said you should be out in a couple of days."



Two more to go!!!! (sorry this was really really short but do you want a chapter daily or not?)

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Caitlin ❤️

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