Day Six

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Ally and Dinah awoke in each other's arms, a bit chilly on the outside but very warm on the inside.

Normani made sure they didn't fall back asleep. "Up and at 'em! It is Snowpocalypse day six!"

"Come back and cuddle, I'm cold," Lauren rasped from their bed, and Normani rolled her eyes.

"You're lucky you're cute," she sassed as she got back under the covers.

"Good morning, Smalls," Dinah greeted through a yawn. "Maybe good afternoon. I've lost all concept of time."

Ally checked her phone that was on nine percent. "It's almost one pm." Dinah rolled over and out of bed, making the shorter girl pout.

"Don't worry, I'll be right back," the Polynesian assured. A few moments later Ally heard a flush and Dinah came trudging back to bed.

"USC," Ally observed, referencing Dinah's hoodie. "Is that where you and Normani go to school?"

Dinah scoffed. "That's where Mani wants to go."

"You don't?"

Shaking her head, the Polynesian climbed back into bed and pulled Ally on top of her. "No, I don't."

"Why not?"

Lauren remembered what Normani said of Dinah's thoughts on college and wondered if she should change the subject. In the end, she stayed quiet, her head resting on Normani's shoulder.

"Because," Dinah started, her tone colder. "I don't know. I don't like the whole college thing. Too structured."

"Free spirit, huh?" Asked Ally.

"Something like that. Guess that's how we got here."

"So what do you plan to do after your trip? We will get out of here eventually."

Dinah rested her chin on the top of Ally's head. "Planning isn't my forte."

"So... you have no plan? At all? Not even travel plans?"

"No. Not yet, at least."


"Dinah thinks going to college equates to throwing your life away," Normani supplied.

Ally raised an eyebrow. "Is that what me and Lauren are doing?"

Dinah fumbled over her words. "No, but it's what I would be doing. It's so frustrating though. All I want to do is travel and I can't do that without money from a good paying job, and with a job I can't travel."

"I get it."

"I think it's nonsense," Normani scoffed.

"I think she's brave," Lauren added.

Ally studied Dinah's face. "I think she's just scared."


"Damn, it's even colder down here than upstairs," Lauren said as she entered the lobby's dining area, her teeth chattering.

"Yeah, well, heat rises," Ally mentioned, "and the door keeps opening and letting the cold in."

"At least they have a fireplace," Dinah compensated, laying on the couch by the crackling fire.

Lauren hummed appreciatively as she climbed over the back of the couch and sat down. "Look at you, being an optimist."

"I try."

"Where's all the staff?" Normani asked as she and Ally sat as well.

The real question is, where's the power? It's been almost two days and I'm about five minutes away from hypothermia," the green eyed girl complained, leaning on Normani.

"Maybe they're trying to freeze us out," Dinah suggested, leaning against the arm of the couch and pulling Ally to sit between her legs.

"That makes no sense at all," Ally replied. Normani and Ally agreed.

"You're right. It doesn't make sense. But neither does being snowbound with strangers in a hotel thousands of miles away from home, but here we are."

Yawning, Ally rolled over and cuddled into the Polynesian. "That's very true, Dinah." Soon after, the little Latina was snoring softly, sleeping soundly.

Dinah ran her long fingers through Ally's hair as she slept, almost being lulled to sleep herself by the snaps and pops of the fire. "She's so cute, I almost don't want this to end."

Lauren leaned back onto Norman. "Yeah, it has been a pretty fun week, all things considered. Relaxed a lot, met some okay people."

Normani chuckled as she took Lauren's hand. "You're okay too."

"Thank you, Mani." She shivered and wrapped her blanket tighter around her. "Anyone got juice left on their phone? How cold will it get tonight?"

Dinah, whose phone was on five percent, checked the weather channel app. "The low is twenty two I think. We're getting warmer."

"That's better than- Holy shit, it can't be," the Latina cut herself off, standing with her eyes wide.

"What is it?" Dinah asked, trying her best to turn with Ally dozing on her.

Normani gasped. "There's snowplows outside. Snowplows, Dinah! We're saved!"

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