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°°For Alejandro Diaz (Alec) I choose Tristan as the model. Tristan is obviously not a latino nor mixed blood but Alec do share the same hairstyle as Tris (in the pic) though Alec is a brunette and they do share the same personality.°°


English was now over, Aliyyah and I went our seperate ways; she had calculus while I had History aka the most unbearable class I had to be in, I hate History, mostly because there was a certain green eyed brunette named Alec, who's only purpose in life was to annoy the living lights out of me.

The class was already filled with students, quickly I moved my feet forwards to the middle of the fourth row seat and dropped my books carefuly onto the table, not far behind me sat Alec Diaz.

A strand of his chocolate hair covered up his left eye, his usual smirk plastered on his face, making my desire to punch that smirk off his face grew srtonger. He saw me looking, so it was already a reflect of him to throw me a wink and for me to fire him a glare and look away.

The class has finally started, Mr Garroway, our beloved teacher started talking about something that I couldn't be more careless of.

I wished that we could just study about world war two and by that I mean talk about Captain America,  Bucky Barnes or Steve Trevor and Diana Prince. Too bad it wouldn't happen any time soon.

I was peacefully doodling on my notebook when something hit my head, it was a crumpled paper ball, without even thinking, I instantly knew who's doing was that, Instead of snapping to to the devil, I acted as if nothing had happened and kept on doodling.

Not even a minute later another paper ball landed on my desk, but again, I acted like nothing happened, I was starting to lose my patience when another paper ball hit my head hard, I tried my best to stop the urge to yell at him then kill him right then and there, but being the good girl that I am, I continued my own thing until another hard paper ball hit my back.

What the hell was inside that thing? A Rock? I turned my head to the devil who's smirking and looking anywhere but my direction.

What the fudge was his problem?

"What?" I whispered, afraid to be sent to detention, but he continued to pretend that the celing and walls are more intresting than my presence. I turned my head back stiffly while murmuring some horrible words I could think of.

'I wont let that idiot ruin my day' I said to myself with a forced smile. Minutes has passed, everything was going fine and perfect but then another paper ball hits me on the head, and that is when I lost my patience.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?!" I jumped out from my seat and turn my body so that I could scream directly to his face, without even caring that the whole class was looking at us because my main focus was to hold myself back from killing the little shit in front of me.

"Miss Rosewood!" Said the voice of our history teacher in a warning tone.

I turned my body to the other direction so that I became face to face with the angry looking tomato.

"It was his fault! He teased me!" I says pointing to Alec who's face morph into a fake suprise.

"It wasn't me, I swear! I didn't do anything" The brunette said putting his hands in the air with a mischievous  gleam in his eyes.

"Oh, alright then, you suppose I just went bat shit crazy because of nothing?" I asked the curly haired boy.

"You already are bat shit crazy" The boy replied.

"Excuse me?!"

"Geez, chill out. It was probably Bob!" He said with a shrug, hand pointing to the back of the class.

"Who the hell is Bob? Your imaginary friend?" I asked him, the sight of him with his fake innocent face makes me want to throw up and plant a punch on his face.

"No," answered the boy with a crossed hand.

"Then where is he?"

"He's invisible" he shrugged with the same innocent and mischievious eyes that are still lingering on his face.

"Enough! Both of you. Miss Rosewood, if I hear another bad word coming out from that mouth if yours you'll find yourself in the detention room for a week!" Warn the teacher.

"But that's not fair! It was his fault!" I said stubbornly, crossing my hands on my chest.

"Ah, not another word miss Rosewood" he said shushing me with his index finger and a stern expration on his tired face.

I shrunk back to my seat looking defeated as Mr Garroway continue his lecture.

Today has officialy became the worst day of my life, ever. First of all someone stole my fries then when I finally got it back I didn't have the time to eat any of them because the cursed school bell, then I had to attend to history class and be in the same room with Alejandro Shit-face Diaz which resulted with me almost getting a detention for a week.


"Hey, what's up with your face?" Aliyyah asked while leaning to the wall next to the door of the history class.

"How long have you been there?" I asked her not really caring what the answer was.

"Not long." She shrugged as she joined me "you look like shit"

"Why are you out really fast?" I Asked, ignoring her.

"Anderson made a quiz, the one who could answer the question right could get out first"

"Of course. I forgot that you're a genious." I stated, rolling my brown eyes.

"I know. Sometimes I wonder why am I still in this school" She said with a teasing grin.

Aliyyah was that type of person who just couldn't be given a compliment, just like Alec, if you gave them a compliment, you are going to regret your entire life.

"You didn't answer my question" She said with a raised eyebrow.

"Just ask mister Diaz and his friend Bob over there" I said glaring at the boy's direction who's in return threw a wink at me.

"Fuck you" I spat.

"Gladly" He smirked.

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