Kaila, The Start

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A.N-Hey Everyone! Thank You So much for choosing to read this story. I guess that this is kind of a Glee and kind of a Klaine fan-fiction but it is in a new characters perspective. It is currently set after all of the original Glee Characters have graduated finished college. Now it is about their kids. BTW I may get some facts wrong about orphan stuff cuz I am not one and I may get Lima stuff wrong cuz I have never been there either so please excuse me! Anyway, LETS GET TOO IT!

This is so not fair! Just because I wanted another glass of water I had to be transferred to another orphanage. And they had to move me to Lima, Ohio. Seriously! Anyway, I learnt that it is better to dehydrate then to get moved to a different orphanage. I was previously in L.A.! L.A. people!  And then they just had to ruin my life.... 

Anyway. Apparently there is a school called McKinley High and apparently they made a middle school so that they can get more money. And stupid Mrs.G (The orphanage head master or whatever) had to send me there. I mean I have seen Joey and Melissa (Other kids in the orphanage) are going to Fawn Academy for the gifted. Well, at least the orphanage pays for me to go to this school. I heard that Joey and Melissa need to work night shifts in the orphanage cafeteria so that they can get rid of the cleaners or whatever. So basically they need to pay for it themselves.

First day at my new school and things already looked terrible. For starters the only color in my wardrobe is black. Guess it suits my state of mind. Anyway. I grab my beanie put it on my head, skip breakfast cause I know how that is going to end (food fight), and I head out the doors of the Local Lima Orphanage. McKinley is not that far away. I soon learnt that the middle school and high school are connected. Man, how am I gonna survive this? 

Anyway I need to get my combination for my locker. Still got no Idea how but somehow. I spent extra time working night cleaning shifts at LLO (Local Lima Orphanage) to earn some extra money so that I can get new notebooks. I heard that some people get cooked toilet paper. Eww. I know right? I stepped into my new school and scanned the busy hallways. Luckily it did not take much time for me to find the secretaries desk.

"Hello there! My names Ms. Helga! You must be new her! You wanna know your locker combination?" The Secretary said with an odd excitement to her voice. She was very young, maybe just got out of college.

"Uhhh.... Sure? Yeah?" I replied 

"GREAT! YAY! Waits your name?"

Oh great my name. My name is ok. BUT because I am an orphan, and nobody dropped a note when I was left I have no idea who I am. So I have a stupid code! 

"Kaila... My code is 18-96-54-82" I don't know where my orphanage came up this.

"Oh... Orphan are you? Here is your code" She said, her smile growing to a frown while handing me a slip of paper that had my name, my code, and my locker combination.

I don't get it! Why'd she frown? I am no different from everybody else right? I decided to see if it was just me or if it was simply Ms. Helga having massive mood swings. Cause, she seems like that kind of person. Well, it is me then. She was all fine happy and squeaky and all that annoying stuff.  Then there was a bookshelf with flyers and all that stuff. "TAKE ONE! GET YOUR SCHEDUALE HERE AND LEARN WHICH CLASS YOU ARE IN!" It also said "NEW HERE? GET A MAP OF THE SCHOOL" I took one of each, from each class too. Just so that I could know where people are. And that is just what I do.

Yeah, ok I know I shouldn't have spied but I don't tell anyone. Personally I feel like my brain is a room with lots of boxes. I have collected so many secrets that I have thrown out other boxes. But never the secrets. Everything I see, hear, or feel, will stay with me forever.

I walk to my locker, stuff my notebooks in my locker grab my notebooks for the first classes and walk to the outside of my homeroom. I soon learnt that fate may have brought me to the wrong, but right class room. Filled with joy,happiness and song, this room would change my life forever.

"Hey there! You want to join?"

I am So Sorry that this chapter may have been short chapter! I will update as soon as possible. I hope you guys enjoyed it so far! Until Later People! You’re Friend, Verity 

 PS! THANK YOU WILLIE809 For proof reading and helping me with the story. and for the describtion!

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