Home room pt.2 "Nice to meet you"

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Authors Note- Hey Guys! Now I am gonna start switching the points of view! Also I don't know about some stuff like Lung Cancer so I am so sorry if I offend anyone! Also sorry that this chapter is mostly in Mr. Evans (Sam Evans) point of view. I did it just so it would make a bit more sense.

Kaila's POV

Oh well shit. Now we need to talk about ourselves and I have to listen to everybody else talk! Ugh.  And oh great! Now we need to get up infront of everybody! C'mon!  I mean look at me! My skin looks like some one sucked all of the blood out of me. Then my hair was all in knots cause I lost my brush somewhere. Or maybe Melissa stole it... I am not sure. I guess good thing I have the beanie to cover up the mess that is my hair. And people in the old orphanage said that my eyes looked like I was going to attack someone. Well if that is what the dark blue means then great! Not. Well. THIS was gonna be FUN! But I guess it won't be that bad, cause I saw a boy sitting in the other corner of the room, he looked like me, except if I were a boy, and he had shorter hair obviously. 

Mr.Evans (Sam Evans) POV

I looked at my clipboard that I had been given that had information on my new students. I don't know who came up with this idea, but they are making the classes smaller so that every teacher is a home room teacher, and they mixed the middle school and high school kids. This could be good for them, they could learn to colaborate, then on the other hand, caos can break loose if the right kids are not put in the right group. 

I am also so excited to me the Glee club coach! Hopefully I can get the kids in my home room class to audition. 

 "Okay then, Let's Get started! Let's start from left to right!" I said looking down on my clipboard. 2 things caught my attention quickly. The first were the last names- Chang, Abrams, and Pierce-Lopez. Wait a minute.... Those were the last names of my friends from high school! Tina, Mike, Artie, Brittany and Santana! That is amazing! Maybe Everyone could meet up again. I really Miss then. I guess I must have started to cry cause  Someone said "Mr.Evans... Do you need a tissue?".

"FOCUS SAM! YOU HAVE TO PULL YOUR SELF TOGETHER" I said to myself. What was the second thing I noticed? Right! Two of the names had NO last name. Just a first name a a bunch of numbers.... Maybe it was a computer mistake or something. I would ask the two. Or one, cause asking  both would be kind of weird. Maybe it was nothing. 

Then, I girl walked up to the front of the class. She was Short, had long light brown hair with  blonde Highlights, and sharp light green eyes. 

"Well then, if no one is going to start talking then I am going to start!' The girl yelled so that she could get everyone's attention. " Only if that is ok with you Mr.Evans" she said in a sickening but sweet  voice. Might as well. So I motioned for her to continue.

"Wonderfull! Well, I am Alexsandra Long, I am from New York, I am the best at singing, I am in Middle school, and I am the daughter of the one and only Rachel Berry, star of broadway!" Alexsa said while clapping her hands at the end. Huh, a Berry? This was going to be interesting. She sure picked up the ambition and pride from Rachel, now lets hope she is soft like Rachel also.

"Well! Are you going to clap or what?" Alexsa growled slightly. Yup, as I thought, this was going to be fun.

The class erupted in aplause, afraid of what Alexsa would do next.

Then a tall girl, with short black hair, and  dark brown eyes stood up, and walked to the front of the class. I think this might be Tina and Mike's! I mean, she did look asian.

" I am Nicole Chang, I am from here... I guess. Umm... I like to spend time with my friends and I like it when I am not slushied.  And I am in Highschool. Guess that is it." 

And it continued as so-

 "Hi. Tyson Abrams, Yeah... I like to  animate short videos. I am in Highschool"

" Devin Pierce-Lopez, I like shopping, I am gay, deal with it, And I am a cheerio if you don't already know... so."

Then there was my poor Penelope. She is my daughter, and she was diagnosed with lung cancer when she was born so she always has a small suit-case like bag with a tank of oxygen with her and tubes going up to her little nose to keep her alive. But she is strong. And both Mercedes and I LOVE her.

"H-hi, I am Penelope Evans, I like reading and I am in middle school."

"I am Wyatt Raid, I like playing Football, and I am on the football team. And I am in Highschool"

And that concludes to..... Ah, the two with a computer error last name. Oddly, they both look the same, except that one is a boy and another is a girl, they both are extremley pale and both look so lonely, scaried and empty. I wonder if I could help, maybe I could set them up with the counselor Mr.Karkofsky. Yes Karkofsky beat up Kurt but after what he has gone threw, he decided that he would help others. Kind of nice of hime right?

Anyway, back to the class, after a long  silence, the boy stood up and started to tell us about himself.

"OK... so.... I am Roland and I like to play hide n' seek because no one every finds me, it is kind of funny their reaction. And I am in Middleschool" The class laughed at this. And Roland replied with an un-sure smirk.

I think I am going to ask the girl about the last name thing. She looked a bit stronger, or maybe she was acting it out. Not sure.

"OK then.... My name is Kaila and I like taking pictures with my camera... And I am forgeting something, right I am in Middles School" 

"Nice to meet you Kaila, Can I ask You a quick Question? I asked.


Ooo! Cliff hanger.  Will update like so soon. I gotta so many idea's that I gotta write down before they decide to go fly to unicorn land and never come back!


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