Thank you, Miss

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"Stevie, Stevie, Stevie...what am I going to do with you...?" you purred. You were currently straddling the super soldier with a firm grip on his jaw and he looked as if he might burst any second. His pupils were so far blown you could hardly see the blue of his irises. Your hands tingled with anticipation.

Steve's heart thundered in his chest. He could hear the sound of his blood rushing in his ears under the weight of your hand around his jaw. His cock pulsed against your heat; Steve's widened pupils didn't miss the way you bit your lip to prevent a throaty moan from escaping. It meant everything knowing he could affect you too. His mouth went dry in the anticipation of your punishment. He fought to swallow back a whine.

"Are you ready, sugar?"

"Yes," he breathed. Releasing his jaw, you dismounted him. Steve sat up and gave you a confused look.

"Miss?" he asked. You smirked devilishly. He raised his eyebrows in confused excitement.

"You said you'd been thinking about me, yes?" you started. He cocked his head to the side not quite understanding the mischief laced in your tone.

"...Yes, Miss?"

"What were you doing?" Suddenly, a lightbulb switched on behind his eyes; his cheeks flushed a deep shade of crimson. You grinned wider. Gotcha. Steve averted his gaze, suddenly intensely more interested in the abstract art on your walls.

"I was...getting myself off," he murmured.

"Sorry, what was that? No super hearing here, Rogers," you teased. Steve suppressed the urge to roll his eyes. He met your gaze half defiantly.

"I was getting myself off," he stated. The confidence in his voice was annoyingly sexy. This won't do at all.

"Oh no, Stevie..." you hummed. You started peeling your clothes off; Steve's eyes widened in anticipation.

"Are you going to punish me now?" he whispered. The pleading half hidden in his voice wasn't lost on you. Tension that'd been building since he stepped foot in your room thickened. Tossing your clothes into an immediately forgotten corner of your room, you stood proudly in front of him wearing nothing but your satin crimson bra and panty set. Steve's eyes raked your body hungrily.

"Well, it's only fair. You were touching yourself without permission. Good boys always ask before they finish. Were you a good boy, Stevie?"

"No, Miss," he grinned at you.

"How many times did you cum?"

"I-I don't know, Miss," he said honestly. Shaking your head, you moved to dig through the Victorian chest at the foot of your bed. Tony would absolutely shit his pants if he knew you kept kinky sex toys in your bedroom at the Compound.

"If I asked you to guess a number?"

"10, Miss."

"Tsk, tsk, tsk. You were an exceptionally bad boy, weren't you Stevie?" you questioned.

"Yes, Miss."

"Aha! I found it!" you exclaimed while pulling your favorite violet crop out of the chest. It took everything in Steve not to let his jaw fall to the floor. It was one thing to see this kind of thing on the internet or to hear people talk about it, but seeing it in person absolutely floored him. Noticing the stunned look on Steve's face, you cocked your head in curiosity.

"Have you ever used one of these before?"

"No, Miss."

"Hold out your hand, please." He presented his right hand without hesitation. You ran the flat part of the crop across his palm gently. He shivered.

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