What They'r Talking About? c5
K.Will: Yes, Kris. If you do see him,tell him that i'm looking for his basketball team.
All: Nae~
[Mr K.Will leave you all. Ki Myeon thought of something]
Ki Myeon: Guys, I think i'd left something in my locker. Excuse me,please?(left them)
[Ki Myeon walked towards her class and suddenly she saw Kris]
Ki Myeon: Ah,Kris oppa~ (you stopped suddenly n saw Luhan approaching Kris)
Ki Myeon: Luhan? What he's doing with Kris oppa?( u hided behind a fire extiguisher)
[Ki Myeon heard their conversation]
Luhan: Hyung! I think I'd found her,that girl!
Kris: Who is it? Tell me!
Luhan: (whispering to Kris's ear)
Chanyeol: Ah~ There'r u Luhan. Ow,Kris hyung! (suddenly appear)
Kris: How'd u know its her?
Luhan: I can sense her. We need to do something. Immediately!
Ki Myeon: What they'r up to?(thinking hard)
Ki Myeon: KYAAAH!!( Ultrasonic dolphin Scream!)
Tao: Yah! My ears! Hurts!
Ki Myeon: U'r the one who started it!(saw Lay holding on Tao) Did Lay hurts?
Tao: Yeah! His leg is injured. Don't u ever scream like that anymore coz i maybe had ...
Lay: Sungan Heart Attack~ I sigani kkeut~(singing)
[Suddenly,Kris appeared from ur back]
Kris: Who's screaming?!
Ki Myeon: KYAAH!!(dolphin again)(try to run but u hit the fire extinguisher n there u go on the floor)
Tao: I said stop that dolphin or I..
Lay: Sungan Heart Attack~ I sigani kkeut~(singing again)
Tao and Kris: LAY!!!(stare at Lay)
Lay: What?
Kris:(lend his hand) Miss,I'm sorry. Can u get up?
Ki Myeon: Yeah! (grab Kris's hand) Ah~ My back~
Luhan: Hyung! I know where she is now~(his words got cut off n..) Hatshoo!
Kris: What's wrong with u??
Luhan: Nothing! It's just ..
Chanyeol: He's having a fever.(Continuing Luhan's)
Ki Myeon: Ow,sory guys.. I just wana say that Mr K.Will is looking for Kris's team n..
Tao: Seeking him?!
Ki Myeon: No!
[Ki Myeon just leave them. In other hand,there's actually someone who stalked them and dissapeared as Ki Myeon walked away. No one realize his presence there.]