Chapter 6

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I stood on the edge of the balcony, letting the wind blow through my hair and onto my face making me feel refreshed when suddenly I heard the door open then close quietly. I turned around and saw Jason walk Towards me , face flushed and hair messed up. I took a deep breath and turned back around. Why oh why did the guy I love have to be in love with my sister?

"Hello Bailey." He said coming close . Really close .

"Umm hey Jason."

"Great wedding right?"

"Hehe yeah. I'm having fun."

"That's good." He faced the garden and closed his eyes smiling.

"Speaking of um weddings Jason. Why aren't you inside ? You are the groom."

"Meh, I saw you come out so I thought I'd join you and get some fresh air. Have to catch up with my sister in law right ?" He nudged me then put his hand around my shoulder.

A sharp intake of breath left my mouth. As much as I wanted him to leave his hand around my shoulders I couldn't let that happen so I moved away.

He sighed. "Bailey, I'm gonna tell you something. Whether you like it or not."

"Umm okay." I was slightly scared now.

"I'm not in love with your sister. In fact, I'm in love with the other Henderson."

"Mark? My brother ?" I asked. I knew the answer but I needed to play dumb.

"What the hell? I'm not gay." He said laughing.

"I know. Umm I was messing. "

"I'm in love with you Bailey. I knew I wanted to be with you from the moment I saw you at the restaurant that night but since you're still in high school I can't really marry you now so my only option was to marry your sister and that way I'll still see you all the time."

This was the part where most girls would forget about everything and jump straight into the hands of the love of their life but not me. As much as my sister and I fought I still loved her and I couldn't do this to her.

"Jason I'm sorry. You're marrying my sister not me . I can't be with you or in that case love you back. " I told him even though deep down inside I did love him and I did want to be with him.

" Bailey come on." He moved closer and closer till his  nose was a couple of inches from mine. He put his hands around my waist and without wanting pulled me closer till our lips collided. I was so lost in the moment I didn't even realise  what I was doing until I heard my sister scream my name.

I quickly pushed him away and turned around to face her.

"I promise you it's not like that. "

"How could you Bailey?!"

"Lisa I-" I began but she cut me off.

"I don't want to hear about it. I knew it! The way you always used to talk about him with so much hatred but when he comes over you'd stare at him till you drool! You're disgusting! I want nothing to do with you anymore!"

"Lisa I'm sor-"

"Save it!" She shouted causing my mum and dad to come running up the stairs and out to the balcony.

"What is going on here? Guests can hear you."

"Ask Bailey dad. She's a little snake!"

He turned around and looked at me. Then Jason. Then me again.

"No Bailey. You didn't..."

"I'm sorry dad. I really am." Tears were forming in my eyes as I mumbled the apology. I turned around and looked at Lisa. " please forgive me Lisa."

She looked back at me but not with sympathy. In fact, she looked like she wanted to bite my head off.

"Like I said, I don't want anything to do with you anymore." And with that she turned around and ran out of the balcony.

"LISA!" I began to run after her but just as I reached the outside of the building I heard a loud squeal of brakes followed by a crash! I ran faster towards the sound and saw a car that had been crushed by a pole and was badly damaged in the front but I didn't care about that. What I was looking at was a beak of what used to be white frills but which were now scarlet with blood. My sister's blood...

"Lisa?" I whispered coming closer to the body. I touched it and quickly retrieved my hand. She wasn't moving. I checked for a pulse. Nothing.

"Wake up. Wake up Lisa! WAKE UP!!" I screamed.

The guy who was in the car came out looking dazed and immediately turned a ghost white when he saw my sister's body.

"Oh no." He whispered to himself.

Just a few seconds after that my parents came, followed closely by Jason and a couple of other guests. My mum immediately stopped and started sobbing so loudly. Nobody said anything apart from one guy who was calling 911. My dad came closer and held her hand. He shook her hand. Her head. Nothing...

Jason came up to me and knelt down beside me.

"Hey Bailey-"


My words drifted off. I couldn't say it. I couldn't bear the thought that my sister was gone and the last thing that happened between us, was a fight...

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