Chpt 1

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To anyone who is reading my book currently, or just now starting to read it, I wrote this book back when I was 12 and it was my first official book that I wrote on Wattpad so excuse any cringy parts.
Hopefully i eventually go back and edit it but right now I'm feeling a little lazy so I'm just leaving it as it is for now.
Regardless of the cringy parts, the story line where King Khii finds his dad I think was a really good idea and that's really how this book came to be, some parts were last minute thoughts so once again excuse any cringy parts.
Enjoy !

King Khii P.O.V.

I stared at my mother's grave as the rain poured down into my afro. I didn't want to move I just wanted to be there in the graveyard.

Everybody had already started leaving, the funeral had let out an hour ago but I didn't want to go anywhere. I didn't want to feel anything. I hadn't cried since I was 3 but I guess now I had a reason yet I still didn't cry.

"Makii lets go" my grandmother said wrapping her bony hand around my elbow trying to tug me away.

I pulled away from her and stood there in the rain letting it consume me. Why me?

"Makii, I will take care of you. I promise" my grandma said. She just needs to go away. Can't she see I don't want to be bothered?

I dropped to my knees and stayed there in the mud as tears poured down my face. It was like everything was gone.

I heard footsteps and I glanced out the corner of my eye at the preacher who stood next to me hovering his umbrella over the both of us.

"It gets better" he said his voice barely audible over the rain.

Man why do they keep annoying me with this stuff? I just wanna be left alone.

"Just because your hurt Khii doesn't mean you should num yourself from the world"

I shook my head and stood up. "I don't care about what you have to say to me. You didn't loose what I did" I said my voice cold and dark.

Nobody understood, nobody.

2 years later.......

"I ain't even do nothin" I complain as my grandmother shoved me inside the house.

"Spray painting the girl's locker room Khii seriously!" She yelled angrily.

I laughed and set my book bag on the table. This was the third time I got sent home this week. I was always doing something stupid as my grandma would refer to it as but I just saw it as a 13 year old trying to have fun.

"You need to learn some rules Khii your a bad kid"

I rolled my eyes.

"I'll be on my laptop" I yell ignoring my grandma and walking into my room looking for my computer. I had been watching these two YouTube dancers Ayo and Teo for the past few years. I looked kinda like Mateo but I don't pay attention to it that much. I just like his dancing.

"I'll just use mom's" I say not finding my own laptop.

I walked across the hall to my mom's room. I hadn't been in there since the funeral and I imagined it would be packed up by now and pretty much empty but when I opened the door I saw everything still in place.
It was like nothing had changed except a lot had changed.

I opened drawers looking for my mom's laptop but I couldn't find it so I opened the closet and stood on a bunch of shoe boxes reaching onto the top shelf feeling around for the laptop but instead I found a photo album.

I pulled it down and looked at the cover. It was an old brown book with a leather cover covered in dust. I flipped through the pages seeing pictures of my mom but one particular picture caught my eye.

It was a picture of my mom and my favorite dancer. They were sitting on two lawn chairs outside of a house I didn't recognize the picture looked to be taken before I was born.

I pulled it out of the album and looked at the back where there was something written in a faded pen.

My baby Mateo was wit me today still haven't told him I'm pregnant though :'( November, 2004

I held the picture in my trembling hand unsure of what to think or feel. "You lied to me! " I screamed.

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