chpt 13

671 57 16

Sammy's P.O.V.

Ayo and I sat down in the waiting room at the hospital both of us very worried.

"I just wanted to dance and go on tour but this kid is ruining that" Ayo said pacing the floor. I rolled my eyes. When is Ayo gonna start caring? How can he not see he is just as much apart of the problem as Teo is?

"Ayk you need to shut up, that's your little brother in there and he could be dieing for all we know but your sitting here complaining about him? Is you serious?"

He didn't respond and a few moments later there was a bunch of people rushing to the lobby.

Ayo and I peered down the hall at atleast 7 doctors bringing in 2 people on stretchers. I gasped seeing Khii and another woman who both had gunshots in their chests.

"Khii" I whispered watching the doctors push him through the doors carrying him to the emergency room.

"Khii!" I screamed about to run after him but Ayo stopped me tears forming in his own eyes.

"He's gonna be okay, he's gonna be okay" Ayo whispered as I sank to the floor and he wrapped his arms around me as I cried.

I just couldn't help it. Knowing that my best friend was in the hospital and then knowing that Khii, the little boy I had grown so close to had gotten shot was just so much to take in.

3 hours later.....

"Family of Mateo Bowles" the nurse said coming into the waiting room.

I stood and nudged Ayo and he woke up.

The nurse smiled at us and read off of a few papers then looked back at us.

"Mateo is going to be fine. He is very stressed out though and his blood pressure is raging through the roof so he does need to stay here for an addition 2 days but after that he's your to take home"

I let out a sigh of relief. Now we had one less problem to deal with.

"Um do you know anything about a patient named Makii, I saw him being carried through here a few hours ago" I said glancing down the hall looking for any commotion involving Khii.

The nurse shook her head "I'm sorry, all I can tell you is that Khii and his mother are in critical condition after receiving gun wounds to the chest"

Mother?  Gun wounds?

"Wait his momma is alive?" Ayo asked shocked. "She is for now" I said hitting his shoulder.

The nurse motioned for us to follow her and she lead us down the hallway to Teo's room and she left us alone with him.

Teo was still sleeping when we walked in and I didn't want to wake him so I just sat in the chair next to him and Ayo passed out on the couch.

"How long have you been up?" Teo whispered reaching for my hand. I sighed laying my head against his hospital bed. "All night" I replied looking at the time. 3:57 a.m.

"You can get some wrest if your tired" he said giving my hand a squeeze.

He scooted over and I climbed in the bed beside him laying my head on his chest.

"You were gonna leave me" I whispered and he was quiet. "I just wanted to put myself out of my own misery. I never meant to hurt you or Deja or Khii or anybody."

I knew that Teo was hurting right now, but the fact that he was going to take his life because of it really hurt me.

"Khii is in the hospital and so is Deja" I said and Mateo sat up quickly. "There here? Right now, but how?"

I shrugged "I don't know exactly what's going on all k know is that they both got carried in here with gun shots in they chest. Thats all the nurse would tell me."

He sank back down and rubbed his eyes. "This is all too much"

For us or for you?

"Teo, it wouldn't have been if things had gone differently" I said but instantly I regretted saying that because putting the blame on him wasn't gonna help him de-stress.

"I get it I messed up okay? I shouldn't have gone on that tour. But if Deja and Khii are okay then I'm gonna give up everything and be with them" he said and my stomach lurched and I felt as if I had been kicked in the gut.

He would give up everything. His future, his dancing, his music.

But if he did that, then where would I stand in his life? I mean I always thought we had something.

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