i got up with the alarm clok and got dresst, the roo still smeld like smok becase of Annys sigerat from the night befor i got up and storted down the stars to go to the yard and sit on the rokes besid the billding and breeth the fresh air. but them I remembered that I couldn't It was to late and there was no way out. the halls were stuffy anyway but now the there was none opening and clsing doors thet let are I and out it was espeselly mogy.
that day every one was very grumpy instead of giting beet up only ons or twis I was giting beet up constentlly. the are just got stiffer and hoter. Ii started looking for any way to got uot of this horibel plas but ther were no indow or doors that led out side just more walls and weerd doors that led to empty rooms.
the next day was even worse Anny and a few other girls had be up smoking last night and the holl billding reeked of it. there stil was no way out me and some of the other girls loked around this time to gethere and got np were fast te tempetour is still on the ris and its starting to smell the fosets and shoers run nothing but coold watter and not much of it there hasent ben a cook for a will we just go to the kidchen and fine whatever we find and ten fave to eat it, s mostly snak food and veges bot theres not a lot of it left there are no cooks or janeders anny more thay all left and the place is getting dirty.
day three the lites were getting dime and some of them were going out ther were dork plases in the halls and the in the bedrooms, fownd an are vent and trid to find a way out but it just led to the fernis rooms so aving the chans I ternd the fernis of the heeting sitem and started to lok of a cooling sisten but ther was non so I just lef and I couldent find a way out from there eether wene got bak to the man room I diskoverd that there was not enuf food to just spreed out at rndom we would have to sace car of that.
messed from the creeper=this is the third chapter that iv pobesht so if you are interested in I will poblesh another chapter plees leev coments