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"Mama, mama!" Luna-May shouts from across the pool as I stand from my sun lounger and head for the doors to the apartment I'm renting out in St.Barts.
"Where are you going, mama?" I offer her a sweet smile and wave my phone in the air at her, "I'm going to speak to your daddy. Stay with aunt Kylie okay?"

Not a second after I step foot into the villa, my phone starts to ring and an unfamiliar feeling of nervousness and anxiety swarm my stomach and I involuntary raise my right hand to rub over my bare skin - my body clad in nothing but a bikini.
I use my other hand to pick up the phone.

"Hello?" I speak, my throat dry and slightly scratchy.
I can hear him breathe a breath of relief. "Baby girl," he says, "God I missed your voice baby." I refuse to let his smooth talking or his husky voice or his sexy charm to pull me off track. "I'll bet," I sigh, "but I didn't want you to call me so we can stand here and exclaim how much we missed one another."
I stand with a hand on my hip for affect. Then I realise how he can't see me but continue on with the sass anyway. "So you missed me, too?" He asks and I can just about picture the smug grin plastered on his face as if he was here, standing right in front of me. "Of course I missed you, Jack. You're my husband and the father of my daughter," I blink hard as the tears already threaten to fall, "but I wanted you to ring me so I could let you know that I'm not at home."

Silence over comes us for a minute or two and I allow it, giving him a second to process my words before he speaks again.

"What do you mean, baby?" His voice catches in his throat, "I'm driving in the car now from the airport ecstatic because I'm about to see my girls, of course you're home," he laugh lightly, a nervous laugh of course and if breaks my heart. But he needs to know that I'm not messing around. What he did on tour is something that I won't stand for.
"I'm not. I'm in St.Barts  still with Kylie and princess. I don't know when I'll be home."

"No," he whispers, "please baby, don't do this to me."
"I don't know how to fix this, Jack." The tears now fall freely. He knows that because I'm not home now, there's a chance that I may never go back home.
"Come back, come talk to me. We can talk this out, I swear I can fix this. I can fix us." "But I don't know if I can forgive you."

Every time I close my eyes, flashbacks of the night I caught Jack swarm through my head. Him kneeling on the floor in front of the coffee table in the hotel suite, a straw in one hand, his credit card in the other.

That's not the worst part, though.

The worst part wasn't catching my husband snorting cocaine on the coffee table in the hotel suite where my daughter and I sleep. The worst part was that my daughter was asleep on the couch behind him.

"I was fucked up," he admits, "it's no excuse, I know it's not. But I was going through with some shit, you know that. Tour is so tiring and draining and that -- that just helped numb the pain for a little while."
I remain silent and take a seat on the stool by the vanity in my room.
"But you know that wasn't me. That's not me any more. I've gotten help, I'm good baby," I can tell he's crying now, "come home to me. I need you."

As soon as I left, he checked himself into rehab and with some persuasion, they allowed him to finish off the rest of the tour with a counsellor living on the road with him.
The counselling continued on after the tour and he is getting transferred over in the next couple of days to a new person over in LA. This program allows him to live at home so he can see his daughter and myself, he can continue to make music but he has a curfew. The centre gets notified if he leaves the house after certain hours and he won't be able to do anything to stop them from taking him into the centre to live for a three month program.

"I don't know Jack," I sigh. "Listen baby," I sit up slightly, he sounds like he means business. "Come home to me, let me see my princess and let me see you and we can talk things out. That's all we gotta do, just talk. If you feel like you can forgive me and let me have a second chance that that's fucking amazing..but please, I can't hang up this conversation knowing that I may never see you back at home with me again."

I answer.

"What?" He sounds shocked. "I said okay."
"You're coming home to me?" He questions, a hint of excitement in his voice. "I'll be home tomorrow. Be ready to talk."

"Thank you, Lyds. I can't explain how much that means to me. I love you so much."

"Good bye, Jack," I smile and then hang up the phone.


I hope you guys don't mind that I've added a written chapter?!

There's one more that I've got planned that's written and then it'll be back to normal soon.

UNLESS you guys like written, then I'll switch it up every now and again. Lemme know in the comments.


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