Chapter 1: New Life

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Hey! Hope you enjoyed the prologue, time for the story to start! Im going to start doing shoutouts at the begining of each chapter, my first one goes out to @britishbums for inspiring me to start writing. Well I have 2 reads so far! Yay! Lol im so pathetic! ~Lilyxxx

           *Knock, Knock* I look over at my alarm clock, its freakin' 7 in the morning and its Saturday. "What the heck do you want?" I yell at the door. Do not wake me up before 10 or else. "I have a present for you before I go to work, but I guess you don't want it.." It was my sister Rylee, twin sister to be exact. Its probably a prank, shes probably going to throw water at me or something stupid like that. But I have that little excited feeling that it is a real present, "Entrada"  "If you were trying to say enter in Spanish its actually entrar" She says while giving me a little half smirk.

     Rylee looks exactly like me: Fair skin, Dimples, Amazing brown eyes, a witch nose, Short (about 5' 5"), and small boobs and feet. The only difference is she has hair....not that I'm complaining or anything, now people can tell us apart! 

    "Gosh, it smells so bad in here..." she says while smelling all my clothes that are on the ground. "I thought you came in here to give me something not to insult my room" "Well its a mess in here" 'Its my design" "Whatever, this is what I got you." She pulls out this brown wig that has bangs and is long and gorgeous! "OMGGGG thank you so much Ry! I LOVE you so freaking' much!" "go ahead try it on.." I put it over my head and wow, it felt so amazing to have hair! "You look great, now I gtg..bye!" "la goodbyos!" "Btw if you were trying to say bye in Spanish its adios!" She screams as shes leaves my room.


I go out to the kitchen where my mom and dad are making breakfasts, My mom looks at me and kinda shakes her head. "What?" My dad looks over at me and snickers "What is going on?" "Nothing dear." They both look at each other and snicker. "OK, this is getting annoying" "Its just that....your wig is on backwards." "Oh jeez, couldn't you have just told me?" 

I went into the living room to watch some Duck Dynasty (Authors Note: A show from A&E, All the rights belong to them. I'm not copyrighting) Minutes later im greeted by my parents who have a stack of blueberry pancakes....mmmm my fav. "Hey Honey, these are for you." My mom said while placing them on the TV tray. "Thanks" "Hey Honey is that OK if I talk to you real quick?" "Sure" I muted the TV. "Me and your Dad don't really want you going out in the wig, it was really nice of Rylee to get it for you. But, we like you better when we can see your beautiful face more..." "what.....???" "It's just that me and your father like to see the true you, please don't take this offensively" "K, whatever" I dont really like to get mad at them since they have done so much for me, pay all the bills for me and always stick at my side. But that dosent mean I cant be mad on the inside.

Hey everyone! Well this was Chapter 1! Hope you enjoyed it! Btw I wasnt meaning to be offensive to cancer paients to have wigs, its just the storyline along my story and it will have a huge effect later in the story!;) Nothing in this story is supposed to be offensive! Thank You again for reading! Please follow, and comment and tell your friends about this page! Ily you all! :* ~Lilyxx

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