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eunki: can you help me do something

hyunseo: um you want me to come to your house and help you do something??

eunki: im still in your house, stupid

hyunseo: calling me stupid isn't going to make me help you

eunki: okay sorry sweetheart

hyunseo: ew what even

eunki: sweetie honey baby can you help me do something

hyunseo: ew stop that

hyunseo: just ask hyunbin

hyunseo: isn't he there with you

eunki: he went up to his room cause he got tired after 20 minutes

eunki: no wonder they kicked him out of the team

hyunseo: it was bc of his grades

hyunseo: at least i think it was

hyunseo: stop bullying my brother

eunki: okay sheesh are you coming to help me

hyunseo: why are you still here anyway

eunki: im literally downstairs

eunki: you can come down and talk to me instead of being a lazy ass and texting

hyunseo: you could have come up and asked for help

hyunseo: you texted me first im

eunki: okay sorry darling

eunki: i really need your help

eunki: come downstairs please

hyunseo: geez fine


hyunseo came down the stairs and saw eunki lying down on the couch. she raised an eyebrow at him.

"im here, what do you need?"

"you." eunki said, looking up at her.

before she could say anything, he burst out laughing.

"just kidding. what's that look on your face?" eunki said, pointing out hyunseo's mouth that was hanging open in shock.

"i actually needed an extra blanket so if you could get me one, that would be great." eunki said, smiling at her.

"im not getting you one. go home, eunki." hyunseo folded her arms in front of her, a frown on her face.

"i- fine. i'll see you tomorrow." eunki bit his lip and got up, heading for the door.

before he opened it, he turned back to her.

"goodnight, hyunseo."

"night, eunki."

eunki stood outside and listened as she locked the door and turned out the living room lights.

"im sorry." he whispered.


top 35 concert is coming so soon im so excited omg

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