• A Coin , is Just 1 •

113 10 23

Kuroo flipped through the pages.
He was currently trying to finish his last chapters of 'Miss Peregrine: Home for Peculiar Children'.
(good novel, nice movie, i know)

It's been quite sometime since he started enjoying this piece of literature.
Great for time skip. Really.
It suited his taste.
It was his boyfriend's pick.
His man really knows him well.

It wasn't that Kuroo disliked literature.
He just wasn't into fiction much.
He was more of a realist, belives in logic more.

On the contarty of him, his boyfriend, loves fiction.
You can also say that this man of his was also like that came out those fictions.
Out of a storybook, to be precise.

Fair, white skinned.
Pure, pure white.

An angel, or the sort.

He himself didn't believe this certain beautiful man belongs to him.

His. His alone.


Kuroo perked his head up, hearing the familiar vocal voice called upon his given name.

Seeing who it was, a small smile formed his lips.


"Tetsu, sorry. Have you been waiting long? I'm sorry, it wasn't supposed to be that long..."

"Hey hey, relax. Whats the rush princess? It hasn't been that long hahahha..."

He let a low chuckle rumble his throat. Which to his acknowledgement, always seems to soothes his ash-blonde boyfriend.

"Princess? Really now? Are you trying to fatten me up for something?"

Kuroo froze.
He did for a moment there.
Dammit, how much can this man reads my mind thought ran across his brain.

"Well shit. How can you seem to always see my mind? Is it that transparent to you?"

Kuroo Tetsurou gave Sugawara Koushi a pretty mocking, but giving up, smirk.
Sometimes he still confused is either this white, angelic boyfriend of his is really an angel, or just an impish wolf in sheep's clothings.

"Hahaha!", an angelic laugh, goodly a genuine one, left the shorter man.
"No, not transparent, just.. somehow I can seem to read you like an open book... hehehe..."

And here Tetsurou thought he was the one good at reading people...

"Okay okay... Fine, your win...
Sheesh.., you seem to always caught me in my ways to impress you..."
Kuroo replied.

Circling his arm around the others waist, while the other hold his book.
Pulling the other closer towards him.
Close, and warm in this cold mid-autumn season.

Blushing a little, Koushi, let out a small giggle.

"Then tell me, what are you trying to do? Please don't tell me you came just to tell me pick up lines do you?.."
Suga gave him the look. Look of asking, but also one that looks like bro, i know whacca thinking kind of look.
Truly, an impish boyfriend...

"If I say 'yes', what are you gonna do?", looking at Koushi who was still on his arm.

Tetsu was pretty much joking, but he knows how this man of his hates pick up lines.
But it was always a thing he liked to pull to simply annoy the other, or just to get a blush as attention.

Sugawara just gave him a pout.
A look of disapproval and digust, mixed together.

"Then I'm going home, and definitely locking you up outside since you have made me stand outside for so long just to listen to your shitty pick up lines in this cold autumn!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2017 ⏰

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