Chapter 1: Lost Battles and Solemn Vows

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Okay, so this is going to be an interesting tale.... I hope you guys enjoy my character's journey and vote for this interesting new story.

This is all my own work, please do not copyright. Ask me if you want to use something.


The darkness is surrounding a young archer, as she makes her way down a heavily trodden forest trail. Her usual route back to the headquarters, where the attacks on the Night Creatures are planned. That is all they are known as, they have feathery, black wings, like birds. Yet appear to be, at least, humanoid. This young archer and her two friends are the only ones, in a very small group, who see them. And after all of them have witnessed what these Night Creatures can do, they swore an oath to defeat them.

Her body starts to glow as she travels down the path, her senses three times as sharp as they are normally. She peers through the darkness around her, searching for any signs of one of the Creatures. There are none, yet her body continues to glow. What is that about? She ponders to herself as she makes her way farther along the path.

Her ears pick up a noise of rustling, she brings her bow up and is ready within a second, snapping to attention and ready to shoot. She waits, her breathing steady, heart rate fluctuating a fraction higher than normal, before it calms back down the next moment, and she's steady throughout her being. She's glad her hands are no longer shaky, because she would've seriously injured her best friend if they were.

"Alexandra, you nearly gave me a heart attack!" she reprimands her friend in a hiss.

"Yeah, right," says Alexandra, rolling her eyes. "Dramatic much? You don't ever get nervous, I don't even think you have the capability to feel adrenaline sometimes. You're too precise, to calm for it."

"Yes, I have a laid back demeanor, but it's taken years to master the level of emotional and physical control I have now, Alexandra, as I have told you a million times before," says the young archer, rolling her eyes as well. They walk together now, heading to the camp for the night, where they will plan the next attack.

When after several minutes have passed, their bodies start glowing again. They both tense up, Alexandra drawing her long knives, and the young archer drawing her bow. They move a few paces, before they see it.

A hideous creature with long, black hair; a face whiter than the dead's; black, feathery wings at a span of about two arm lengths; but it's the eyes, palest blue they are almost white surrounded by yellow, as though they have a deadly disease, that makes the creature so terrifying. It bares its fangs, as it gives the two warriors a devilish smile, it's black blade glittering against the glow of the two women's bodies. The Creature's own body is emitting a darkness so strong, it's as if you are thrust into a giant ink well, never to come out.

"Ladies, so sorry, but you will not threaten our rule any longer," says the Creature in a charming voice.

"No," says the young archer, a snarl on her lips. "You won't rule here anymore, Creature."

Alexandra charges the Creature, as the young archer fires a well-aimed arrow at the Creature. But the arrow misses, due to the Creature's extraordinary speed and reflexes, however, Alexandra's knives clash down in a clang! of steel against steel, the Creature's sword sending out a blast of blackness, and Alexandra's own weapons sending off the brightest of lights. The young archer watches her friend fight, her bow poised to attack, as she patiently waits for an opening.

"Stand tall," says the young archer, as her friend is beaten back, falling to the earthen ground.

The young warrior hears her friends, and turns her head, "Fight hard," says the young warrior, turning, she grabs her knives and attacks again.

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