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Once I Finish Eating I Ran Back Upstairs To Get My Big Ass Mega

oo I Forgot To Tell Yall My Mom Is A Big Time Drug Dealer in Lhp but forget All That... I Call My Bestfriendd up

Deseray: Wassupp Bitchh you driving to day or I am

Me:  I'll Drive My Car

her:Okayy I'll Be Ready in 5

me: Betttt

thats When I Told MyyBrotherr And Mother I Was Leaving I Grab My Keys To my 300 I Started Up My Car

& My Favorite Song Is on

Doe B ft Ti x Ion Know Why

once I pull up to Deserayy House I Can Already Here Cillia Yelling Bout Something Welp that's mama cillia Fhaa Yaa she Hop I'm we Drove in silence the Whole Way To School so we Was Standing by the lockers until these two boys walk pass lol only one was cutee

deseray..  girl thatss Sexual Chocolate but his real name Darius he's a big time drug dealer

me..  oo he's looking my way.

deseray ... get em

Darius..  Wassupp lo'Woodeyy

me..  Hey S.c

Him..  can I have your number

me .. sure gimme your phone

him..  (hands me his phone )

me..  I put it Under Teaaa: )

him.. thanks woodey lol

I was sleep happy he's very cutee & I think I like him deseray

deseray..  girl he fw this girl name coco

me .. awhh that ugly not knowing how to dress bitch

her..  Yea.. but I feel sick

me ... Deseray You Pregnant

her.. I think so .but how am I going to tell rekus

Me..  just Wait

my Friend is Pregnant By Rekus

I Just Give My Number To a Big Time Drug Dealer

we Walked to Class Together and I Catch That Bitch Coco looking at me sideways ion play them funny games..  so I kept walking we finally got to class and find out that Darius and I are in the same class lol I was kind of shy. to he season Writing me on a Piece of Paper asking me Do I Wanna Go Out On A date With Him and I Said Yes Be To My House 7:30 Sharp I live "fern Dale first street yellow house'' he said okay I'll be there

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