➵ 1 | Tracker

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"So what's your name then? Considering you have me locked up in your basement..." The incubus before me asked.

"Since you asked so nicely, it's Em."

"Em? Short for?"

"Short for Em-ind your own business."

"Well, Em-ind your own business, can I get some water please? Wouldn't want me to die along with the bounty, would you?" He smirked despite the situation he is in.

I walk off to grab a glass of water for my two-million dollar bounty in the cellar. If he dies in my hands the money falls just as fast as the blood.

The glass is cold, contrasting the heat of my hands and body after such a hard day tracking and trapping. I need to get this bounty handed over so I can move out of my shitty studio apartment in downtown Busan. I really need this, it's been a rough year and this is my big break, infamous incubus: Park Jimin.
I've been tracking him for five months, five whole months consisting of tracking by research, intelligence and trails leading to dead ends, wrong people and dead women which ultimately lead me to him today.

As I sit on the last train of the day I ponder what my future will hold, will it hold more tracking work or will it hold human office work? I don't know but I hope for the first.

"Right Ember, remember, you must get off at the last stop of the last train of the day, walk behind the train for five minutes and you will find an opening for the underground meet." Edgar's shrill voice rings in the back of my head.

Fast forward to walking behind the train for five, I find the little opening lit up by violet lights signalling the entrance for all hunters and trackers.

I'm a tracker, trackers use patience and knowledge to locate and capture their target, hunters use muscle and intimidation to scare people in to releasing the targets location before ultimately beating them and carrying their unconscious body to the employers. Trackers and hunters hear of jobs from Readers. Readers are the people who the employers contact to get a job set up, when searching for a job you must find a reader who's advertising the right job for you.

I walk along the damp cobblestone street like cave, stomping in puddles and kicking rocks hoping to hear an ear of some jobs. Just my luck I hear two well known readers discussing an interesting job

"Someone has put a two-million bounty on Park Jimin, they want him alive and unmarked. It's been on the board for a year now and no one is crazy enough to take it." The one said.

"I'm crazy enough. I'll take the job." I said interrupting their conversation.

"You? Park jimin? Infamous incubus, Park Jimin? Hahahahaha! Foolish girl" The older one laughs.

"I bet you twenty dollars that you won't be able to capture Jimin." The other wagers.

"Make it thirty and you have a deal." I chuckle holding out my hand for the man to shake.

"Deal." He laughs and he shakes my hand.

Two months later Jimin leads me to Busan, South Korea, his birth place. Looking through his records I find his childhood home that he shared with his father, another incubus, who took over the house after Jimins mother died during childbirth. I inspect the neighbourhood and others surrounding it for leads. Another two months after he leads me to Seoul, South Korea where he has been living for the past year with what I assume to be a friend. I have learnt over a month of tracking, that he rarely goes home and when he does go home it's never for more then a day or two. He's constantly moving from house to house, often occupied by his prey.

He has a pattern. Vulnerable, feisty, high self esteem then low self esteem. Once he has done all four he repeats cycle. Tonight he is on the night of the high self esteem woman. He will go to a club and assess the women who have the most confidence in their looks, the ones who have skintight dresses on that barely reaches mid thigh and makeup done to the nines. He will pick one and seduce her using his eyes and lips, never once uttering a single word, if he speaks his charm wears off and the women leave. It will take him three hours to complete this before the victim drags him out of the club back to her place.

The only thing I do not know is where the victim lives. I followed them to downtown Seoul before loosing sight of the black haired incubus.

The victims name is Kim Hyongun, she is 20 and works for a local law firm as a personal assistant. From searching her social media accounts it looks like she has a boyfriend who lives in Daegu after transferring law firms due to a sexual harassment claim he made against his boss.

I find her address after twenty minutes of searching every platform I can and head straight there hoping he hasn't left yet.

When I arrive, I sneak up to the flat and survey the exits, I walk the perimeter of the flat and find there are two exits, front and back, and also about four to five windows that open. Her bedroom is at the back on the left of the properly. Her window is open and so are her curtains.

I see Park Jimin standing over his latest victim, he puts her clothes back on and lays her gracefully in bed under her sheets before leaving through the back.

This is my chance! I grab the cloth bag I've had in my backpack and douse the front of it in chloroform. When he opens the door I take place behind it ready to place the bag over his head as he exits. And thats exactly what I do in one shot. The bag is over his head and I'm pressing the chloroform doused patch to his airways, he's strong for his age, he almost threw me off a couple of times before he gave in to the drowsiness of the harsh chemical. He lands in a pile on the ground in between my legs as if a rag doll. I throw him over my shoulder with a bit of struggle and place him in the back of my car before driving to the bunker in Busan next to my apartment.

When we arrive I sit him in the centre of the cellar, take off the bad and lock the silver door behind me. I place a chair five feet away from the bars and sit in it ready for him to wake up.

"Here's your water, don't choke." I say as I place the water down on the floor rather harshly making the cool liquid spill over the rim of the clear glass and splash Jimin's face and body.

"Anger issues?" Jimin asks sarcastically.

"No, I just have a distinct hate of water." I counter with acid flowing from my lips.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2017 ⏰

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