Before Bed

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Lauren -
She climbs on top of you trying to take your attention away from the tv show you're watching. "Lauren, I swear to God...," you trail off trying to peer around her head. "Whatcha gonna do? Hm?" She answers as she inches closer, smirking at you. You raise your eyebrows and as soon as you make eye contact her lips are on yours. It turns into another one of your nightly heated make out sessions.

Camila -
You walk into the bedroom and smile at the sight you expected to see but will never get tired of. Camila loves to read before bed. You love how she sits against the headboard with her glasses sitting on the bridge of her nose, concentrating on the words written on the page with her eyebrows furrowed. You check the time and see it's almost 1am. "Baby, as adorable as you look right now... you're not gonna be able to wake up to go to the studio tomorrow morning if you don't set the book down." You chuckle and move closer when she only hums back in acknowledgement. You slide the book out of her hands and dog ear the page before closing it and setting it on the nightstand. "Hey! I was reading!" "Oops," you say as you pull her into your side and she almost immediately forgets that she was reading as she cuddles up to you, falling asleep in minutes.

Dinah -
You are laying down in bed on your phone, watching a replay of the basketball game you missed last night because you had taken Dinah out to dinner. You hear the door of the bedroom open but don't bother to take your eyes off of your phone. You feel the bed dip and a weight fall on your legs. "Babbbyyyy," Dinah whines trying to get your attention. You hum in response but that obviously doesn't satisfy her. "Give me attentionnnnn," she whines again. "Yeah, sure go ahead," you answer completely out of context, not really hearing what she said in the first place. All of a sudden the phone is ripped out of your hands and Dinah rolls to the other side of the bed. "Hey!" You exclaim as you jump on her and it turns into a wrestling match. You eventually get your phone back and you and Dinah make an agreement that she'll let you watch your game as long as you cuddle her and run your hands through her hair the whole time.

Ally -
You're laying in bed and watching tv when she walks into the room and climbs onto her side. She kisses your cheek and you mute the tv, knowing that this is the time you two usually talk about your day. You sit up against the headboard, holding out your arms and Ally quickly climbs into them. You two sit there for what feels like hours, cuddling and taking turns sharing details of what you did today.

Normani -
"Y/n, I swear to God if you started it without me," you hear someone say, their voice coming closer as they finish their sentence. You giggle and start the episode of Pretty Little Liars, turning up the sound so you know she can hear it. You break into a fit of laughter when you hear Normani start running and she bursts into your shared bedroom. "That's not funny!" She exclaims as she jumps into bed with you. It's become a tradition to watch tv together before bed and she takes it 10 times more seriously when PLL is on. You don't care much for the show, but started paying attention to it just so you know what she's talking about when she rants about it.

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