1 Akuma's and Kisses

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Today marinette would confess her feelings to Adrien. For real this time. She and Alya had set up a perfect plan. It was better than ever before, because this time Nino was in it.

It couldn't fail.

Yet, with Marinette's luck it did. Ironic, isn't it, how she was Ladybug, the lady of luck, and still hadn't had any luck with telling Adrien her feelings.

One moment she stood before him, finally looking him into his eyes with the courage to say it. The next moment an Akuma made the road explode with a big bang, and she had to run to a place to transform.

Marinette POV
Of course the Akuma had to come when she had the perfect opportunity. It really did never work out for her. But Marinette didn't have any time to feel bad. In a reflex she ran to the alley next to her school, and shouted her famous phrase.

"Tikki, spots on!"

Merely a flew seconds later the well-known superheroin flew around Paris.
While flying she scouted the area. There were no flames or more explosions to be seen, and she didn't see anything magically looking either.

She halted on a flat roof and turned around. In her haste of finding a good spot for her transformation, she hadn't looked where the Akuma flew of to and now she had no clue were to go. Ladybug felt an arm wrap around her shoulder, and a soft voice breathed in her ear: "I see you know the way Mylady, or are you just spotting our enemy?"

"Haha, very funny Chaton," she wurmed herself out of his grip "but we don't have time for your hilarious puns. Do you know where the Akuma went?" He brought his nose close to her's, ignoring her insult, and looked her into the eyes "You are a very lucky bug, cause I know just the way!" And with that he jumped up and raced away.

Ladybug sighed, but she couldn't hide the small grin appearing on her face as she ran after her cat in black.

It wasn't an easy Akuma, they had fought it for almost two hours now, and she was really relieved to see the red swarms of ladybugs fix her city. Normally she would have walked to the disoriented victim, but she immediately ran to Cat Noir, who sat on the roof next to her, badly injured by a flying car. It had hit him bad, and he couldn't hide his pain. Ladybug kneeled down beside him and grapped his hand.

"Kitty, are you okay? Do you need help? Where are you hurt?" She rambled. He looked at her and smiled, but it wasn't completely convincing. "Aww Bugaboo, are you worried?" Chat asked with pouting lips. "You shouldn't, because I'm okay and I can get help at home." He dodged her last question, knowing it could reveal his identity if she saw him with pain at the exact same spot and came on his feet.

Beep, beep, beep.

Their miraculouses beeped in sync. Cat's with one to go, Ladybug's with four.

"I should go now." Ladybug said.
"Me too." Cat Noir answered.

And with that they departed ways.

Ladybug leaped over the rooftops, until she heard a muffled scream behind her. She jumped back and found Adrien laying in an alley, clearly unable to walk. She jumped down and walked to him. Ladybug blushed a dark shade of red.

"Ad- drien? What happened to y- you?" She sat next to him, and he looked at her. Then, he made a not-that-manly scream.

"Ladybug! I uh- I hurt my leg. Y- you know, there was an Akuma and uh-" Adrien said blushing furiously.

"Yeah, I kn- know there was an Akuma. I kind of fought it." She giggled. "Should I bring you home? I don't think you are able t-to reach it on your own."

Adrien sighed "You are probably right." Ladybug held out her hand and he grabbed it, getting up on his left leg, and keeping his other of the ground. "You hurt your right leg?" She asked. "I mean, how did you hurt your right leg?" He froze, making up a quick lie in his head "I uh, saw the Akuma and I ran, but he was throwing things and something hit my leg. I may have had to be a little more careful." He gave her an apologetic grin, which was really, really cute. Ladybug squealed on the inside but luckily managed to remain calm on the outside.

"So," Adrien asked "how exactly are you going to get me home?"

It was awkward. She had to pick him up in bridal style, which was both more touching than she ever dreamed to happen and more than she felt comfortable with. The two teens arrived at Adriens window with faces as red as the suit. She gently placed Adrien on his bed, so he didn't have to move anymore, and found herself in a very intimate positions with her crush.

He had his arms above his messy hair, with her on top of him, her legs at both sides of his hips and her hands next to his face. They were panting for air with their lips just a few inches apart.

Ladybug looked in his pure green eyes, which stared back at her as if he had never been so happy, and felt the urge to kiss him. To just place her lip on his and let her hips glide down and touch his. She had never felt so naked in her suit, and she had never loved it that much. She shot a quick glance at his lips, and slowly moved down, connecting their lips. She laid on top of him, placing her full weight on his body.

A spark shot through her body. The  adrenaline gave her a boost. She felt like fireworks. She felt like a goddess in his arms. She felt like all the beautiful flowers and the fresh breeze in the morning. She had never felt this good.

She felt miraculous.

And then it was over. Their lips disconnected and she felt the heat creep on her cheeks. She quickly got up, murmered a fast goodbye and yoyo-ed away, hearing the last beep of her earrings announce a fast detransformation.


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