Birthday Surprise!

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Ok,..So the picture above isn't what you really expected, but we need to start from the beginning. Like the VERY beginning.

It was April Thursday the twenty-seventh {Brothers b-day}. We were still in school, which was only a hour and a half away from being done. I just got out of my fourth hour and heading to the vending machines in our school cafeteria. Around the corner I saw my brother standing, talking with his girlfriend. He says he wanted to see me {for once 🙌😂} and he told me he had to tell me something. Well he pulled out a blue little sticky note that had neat handwriting. And he announced we had two boys and a girl. I freaked out. I went to our final hour {dondondooon😂} and rushed to be the first one in. I told my teacher, Mr.Feurer, who is a cool guy by the way, {which doesn't seem to matter 😂😂😂😐keep urself together} and he said smiling, "congratulations, how many?" I proudly said three. He smiled and shook my hand.

Skip the bus ride home right?😪😂

As we opened the door, our grandma stood there holding a brand new puppy. We looked down to see Iva, our half husky and border collie mix, laying there looking tired. We looked under the blue blanket and saw two other puppies laying there next to their mom. And then grandma laid a hard fact on us.

She said we were supposed to have nine in total, but they only saved three. Iva had to have a Sea-section and the vet said that Iva had a cut Uterus. So some pups died because of lack of oxygen, one died of deformation.
But because of the Sea-section, the vet said to keep an eye on Iva's behavior, since she only maybe had exactly forty-eight hours to live.


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