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Chapter One

Sienna's P.O.V:

Kyle and I are practically best friends. I've known him all my life. That is absolutely true. Our mums were in hospital at the same time having us, I got born first, at five o'clock in the morning on the 4th of August. Kyle took forever and didn't arrive until three in the afternoon. We both had a long cuddle with our mums at night time and we were tucked up next to each other in little tiny cots.

I think Kyle was a bit frightened.

He non stop cried. He's still a bit of a crybaby now, he's very soppy but I try not to tease him about it. I always do my best to comfort him and give him the best hugs ever.

I bet that first day I spoke to him in baby-coo language. I'd say, 'Hi! I'm Sienna!'

And Kyle would say, 'I'm Kyle. I don't like it here. I want my mum.'

He would then begin crying again.

Mum said I was always hungry when I was a baby so I would have started crying too, in case there was a chance of being fed straight away.

Kyle's P.O.V:

I suppose I'm a bit greedy too, if I'm absolutely honest. Not quite as greedy as my big brother Henry though, his appetite is astonishing. He could eat an entire pack of Digestive Biscuits in less than two minutes flat.

When we were younger I think he may have tried to make me as fat as him, we had this Grand Biscuit Challenge every so often. I only managed half the packet, probably not even that. We don't do that anymore considering I used to get crumbs all down my clothes, sometimes I'm still like that, I don't really care though, I'm nothing like Sienna, she stays neat and sweet.

Sienna's P.O.V:

When we were babies Kyle would crawl into the rubbish bins and play mud wrestling in the garden and fall into the pond when we would feed the ducks, while I would sit up plump and pretty in my buggy cuddling my teddy bear and laughing at my cheeky friend.

Kyle's P.O.V:

When we went to nursery school I would play fireman in the water tank and Moles in the sand tray, I wouldn't stop finger painting either, once I did an entire body painting. Sienna would just sit at the dinky plastic table and make plasticine necklaces, singing 'Incy Wincy Spider' sometimes she even sings it now which makes us both smile.

Sienna's P.O.V:

When we were at Primary School, Kyle would pretend to be a Wild Thing and he roared such terrible roars that he would often get sent out of the room, he also got in a fight with a boy in a couple of years above just because he stole my chocolate bar, he made his nose bleed! I would just read nursery rhymes and fairy tales and I would write little stories about cottages and princesses.

Kyle's P.O.V:

At secondary school I ran right into the girls' toilets for a dare, there were some girls applying makeup onto their petit little faces, and they yelled at me, I only did it because Sienna dared me too, if it was anyone else I would've thought they were insane! I also climbed halfway up the drainpipe in the playground to get my football back, but the drainpipe came away from the wall and we both crashed onto the concrete, the head teacher was not pleased. But Sienna was upgraded to a form monitor, she also wore her silver sparkly top which matching eyeshadow to the school disco, she looked beautiful, we were both 14 then and all the boys wanted to dance with her, but guess what! She danced with her best friend (me) all evening instead.

We're best friends, and boyfriend and girlfriend, but we're not one bit alike. I suppose that goes without saying. Though it seems to have been said a lot. 'For goodness sake, Kyle, why can't you stop being so tough and boisterous, arguing with your brothers. To think I was so thrilled when I had my third son. You're 19! Counting your dad its like I have four six year old son's again, you're probably the biggest tearaway of them all!'

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