Chapter Three

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Chapter Three

Kyle's P.O.V:

I didn't say a word about the secret when we woke up. Sienna didn't either.

I didn't say a word about the secret when we went downstairs and made ourselves loads of toast smothered in Nutella. Sienna didn't either.

I didn't say a word about the secret when we watched the music charts on television, I got bored so I began singing along to the songs I knew. I wasn't quiet. The more scared and anxious I get inside the louder I become on the outside. Louder and louder I sang, not realising what my voice level had rose up to, until Mum came rushing downstairs in her dressing gown, very cross.

'For goodness sake, Kyle, stop that shrieking! I didn't get home until one this morning.'

I didn't listen to her and shouted 'sorry' in her face.

Mum seized hold of me. 'Will you stop it!' She went red in the face with anger. Mum never hits me but I think she often has the urge to. She rolled her eyes at Sienna. 'Why do you claim to love a thing like Kyle?' She flicked my forehead.

Sienna's P.O.V:

I just stood there awkwardly hating the sight of what I was seeing. 'I don't know. I just do,' I said - feeling all of my emotions rise to my head, I then burst into tears. I couldn't stop them from just flowing out.

'Oh sweetie, don't cry! I'm not cross with you!' Said Kyle's mum looking guiltily over at me.

'I don't want you to be cross with Kyle either,' I yelped, tears making it harder to speak clearly.

'Well, I'm just a little bit agitated, not cross. I'm afraid that's a permanent statement when Kyle's around,' Kyle's mum said calmly.

She ruffled Kyle's hair in disgust. 'Look at you Kyle! Your hair's a complete mess and you stink.' She said to him.

'Well don't kick me out onto the streets, Mum.'

Kyle's mum mopped my face with a flannel. I usually only cry a little bit, tears delicately dripping down my rosy pink cheeks. But now it was as if I'd sprung a leak: tears spurted, my nose ran, my mouth dribbled. I looked almost ugly, and as Kyle would say, utterly unlike me.

Kyle's P.O.V:

'Please don't cry, Sienna, I love you,' I said. I hugged her tight and a tear fell from my eye, I hated seeing her upset like that.

'Oh for heaven's sake,' said Mum. 'Don't be so silly. I give up. There's nothing to cry about.' She nudged us both lightly and we gave a little chuckle, we then both went upstairs to the bathroom.

I looked at Sienna, She looked at me. I cupped my hands round her face, pulling her closer, using my thumbs to wipe away any remaining tears. 'Kyle, there is something to cry about.'

'I had a feeling you were going to say that,' I said. I felt as if I was standing on a window ledge, about to be pushed off into darkness.

Sienna's P.O.V:

'I don't know how to tell you properly,' said Kyle.

'Just spit it out,' I said, touching his lips, trying to make his mouth move, he kissed my fingers softly.

Suddenly a couple of tears fell down my cheeks and one fell down his.

'Or do you want me to spit it out for you? You don't want to be my boyfriend any more,' I said.

'No, it's not that!' said Kyle, but he looked stricken.

'It's OK. There's no need to lie to me, I understand. I'm not sure that I would date me if I had the choice. I'm shy, take forever to get ready in the mornings, I'm completely pathetic and cry at the worst times.'

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⏰ Last updated: May 08, 2014 ⏰

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