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I used to think that I had myself all figured out. I was a straight girl.

Then I started to think that girls were kinda pretty, so I figured I was bi.

Then, I realized I don't really care about gender, so I figured I was Pan.

And now? I'm still fucking confused.

I think I'm Aromantic? If you don't know what that means, it basically means I don't desire relationships and when I'm in them personally I tend to pull away. It feels as if I'm in a cage and can't get out. I get really uncomfortable with the person in the relationship at times.

But I've never had a relationship with a guy so I don't know if I would feel the same way towards them. I don't know if I would enjoy being in a relationship with guys more or what.

I think I'm romantically and sexually attracted to guys but only sexually attracted to girls. Is that a thing? Because right now I feel as if I'm the only one like this.

Or maybe I just don't like relationships. I might would just cope better with a fuck buddy. Or a friend with benefits.

I'm fucking lost lol.

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