New friend?

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I looked behind to see whose voice I heard. A tall, lean figure was leaning against the doorway with his arms crossed. I could tell he was also a dancer from his posture and the way he dressed.

"Oh.. Thanks?"

"Well.. Umm, sorry for just walking in like that. I heard the music and it's a song I also love to dance to, so I thought I would come and check who's dancing to it." He apologized. "Plus, I didn't wanna bother and stop you in the middle of that amazing choreo."

"Again, thank you..?" I said, unsure of what to say.

"I'm Aden by the way," he introduced himself, reaching his hand out to shake mine.

"Kate." I smiled and put my hand out to reach and shake his.

"I'm guessing it's your first time here?" He asked.

I nodded.

"How are you enjoying this place so far?"

"Oh! It's good. The people are actually really friendly."

"Yeah, they really are."

"You're close to them?" I asked.

"Mhhm. We've all been dancing together since diaper days." He informed. "With the passion that we have for dancing, we were able put this place up with the help of our parents.. not to brag!"

It was nice to hear that he had so much passion for dancing but I really didn't know what to say back. I didn't even really want to have a conversation with him, so I made an excuse to get out of it.

After telling him that I had to leave to do errands, I grabbed my stuff and left. I pretty much wasn't lying though because I did have to buy a few things for a project and all. It's just that I didn't need it as of right now. I don't even know why I introduced myself to him, I just did. I don't know what's gonna happen after this day and where it's gonna lead to. All I know is, I'm afraid of myself letting someone break my walls down and getting hurt once again.

A week has passed since I went to the new studio and I got a call from someone.

"Hello?" I said as I answered the phone.

"Hey Kate! It's Adrienne!"

"Oh! Hi Adrienne!" I answered back. I wondered how she got my number, then I remembered that I wrote it down when I checked in the studio. "What's up?"

"Well I was calling to invite you to our little dance gathering this coming Saturday at the studio. You able to come?"

"Hmm, that actually sounds fun but I'm not sure yet. I'll come by if can though!"

"Alright alright. Well I do hope you can come! It'll be really fun. I have to go though! Gotta make some more calls!"

"Haha. Okay. Talk to you later!"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 25, 2014 ⏰

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