Chapter X

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Jenny's P.O.V

"What are you smiling at?" I turned towards Taehyung's direction.

"Oh nothing, just remembered something." He carried on smiling sheepishly.

"Yeah riiiiiight." I spoke creeped out by the smile that was plastered on Kim Taehyung's face. Holy crap. I forgot. Our trip to Jeju Island. We need to pack. "Get packing for tomorrow Tae. We're going to Jeju Island remember?"

He immediately nodded and went upstairs.

Taehyung's P.O.V

She actually got rid of him. For me and my feelings. She so likes me. But I like her too. And there's no denying that. I've learned to accept my feelings for Jenny. And I can tell you those feelings towards her are very strong. She's different. A mysterious different and I can't put a finger to it. I just don't know how to confess to her. She still has that stupid boyfriend Matt. She wouldn't think twice about being my girlfriend if it wasn't for him. I need to get rid of him, Kim Taehyung style.

"Hyung, I've got..urm.. girl problems." Taemin dragged me out of my thoughts.

"I'm sailing the same boat as you Taemin. With your Noona." I sighed. "But tell me your problems kid."

"Well there's this girl... Jeon Hana. And I have no idea how to tell her that I really like her. She intimidates me with her prettiness so then I back down." Taemin explained.

"Hmm Jeon Jungkook's cousin's daughter Hana?" He nodded in response. "Good choice, she's a cute girl. Well if I were you, little Taemin, I'd tell her straight up with a little box of chocolates." I smiled at him.

"Really Ap-Hyung? What if she rejects me? What will I do then? How am I supposed to face her? I can't face her, I'd be so embarrassed and awkward." Taemin bombarded me with questions, running a hand through his hair.

"Hold on there boy, she won't reject you. I mean how can she? You're a good looking teenager who's sweet and likes her. She'd be stupid to reject you. Don't think about the what ifs  and just go for it; say you really like her." I just realized what I said and I should practise what I preach.

"I think you should follow your own advice Hyung. It helps a lot." Taemin smiled. "Thanks for the advice Hyung." There he went back to his room after shutting my bedroom door.

"How do I confess to her though?" I mumbled to myself while shoving my clothes into a suitcase.


" It's nothing you're probably gonna tell her anyway."


"Why don't you yell any louder I'm sure the aliens in space wouldn't have heard you." I rolled my eyes.

"Mianhe Hyung. I just got excited. When are you going to confess to her then?" Jungkook raised an eyebrow.

"I don't know. Probably serenade her on Jeju Island and then tell her with white roses and her favourite chocolates Fererro Rocher which I actually need to order."

"That's it?" Jungkook looked disappointed.

"What else am I supposed to do? You tell me?" I huffed and he whispered into my ear. Not gonna lie Jungkook's idea was pretty good and pretty bold but it'll be perfect for Jenny on the last day we're at Jeju Island.

----THE NEXT DAY----

"YAH KIM TAEHYUNG WE'RE GETTING LATE WAKE UP." I jumped out of bed falling on top of Jenny with our noses brushing off each other. She looked beautiful as usual. I leaned in closer so that now our lips were an inch apart. Well that was until Jenny fricking pushed me off.

"Go and wash up. We're running late." She muttered while fixing her hair.

"Yeah I'll go right now." I spoke; flustered after what had just happened.

Jenny's P. O. V

Aishhhhh I nearly kissed Kim Taehyung again! What is wrong with me?! I can't do this. Hopefully he finds some girl at Jeju Island to pester instead of me. Ugh.

As soon as Taehyung finished whatever he was doing upstairs, we made our way to the airport.

"Noona, when we get there, can we visit the water park first?" Taemin asked me as he sat next to me on the plane while Taehyung sat on the other side of him.

"Well first we'll have to check in the hotel first and then we'll see. Arasso?" He nodded with excitement.

"Oooh Hyung, I want to sit by the window so I can see everything please." Taemin pleaded and Taehyung agreed to swap seats.

"Okay Taeminieee." Taehyung smirks.

Goddamn it. I bet Taemin did this on purpose. That cheeky boy is going to get a lecture when we get home.

Taehyung finally swapped seats with Taemin and stared at me intently.

"Bwo? Do I have something on my face?" I say sarcastically.

"Actually, you have a little lipstick smeared on the side of your lip." He chuckles and my eyes widen.

I immediately touch my face, trying to wipe the lipstick off but failing to do so and I huff instead.

"Yah, let me do it." Taehyung laughs and reaches out for my face with a napkin. "See it's all gone." He chirped.

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