Part 2

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Dianne's POV:

My IPhone was laying perfectly in it's case, it's case was laying perfectly on my desk, and my desk happened to be right next to me. When reading a book. REAL good idea.

Luke had to text me at a good part, which I hadn't remembered the page number.

He texted me, saying that he wanted to know a strange number.

I answered no, and he said I was never useful.

Rude! So I texted him back, mockingly, the golden-rule way.


We always cuss whenever we txt each other. Mom don't mind, as long as it don't get technical...



Little did the 10 year olds know they were stalked.



I must keep this up. Until they move. I'll have room to be the creeper I am.

I texted the male child, and, his reaction was completely obscured. He had a mean confession to his sister, an she cursed at him. Such an unpleasant, mismatched family this is. The woman outta get a man for herself; she needs another caregiver for these rascals of children.


The Spirit-Like Death of our Grandmother |Collab with Samantha0Stapes|Where stories live. Discover now