Chapter 4: Witchcraft & Wizardry

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"I see we both have a free period." Draco noticed, reading Emily's schedule from over her shoulder. "You know you aren't supposed to be here, right?" Emily asked sarcastically. He smirked and glanced at the stretch of the Gryffindor table. "It's alright, just a few people here," he said as he took the vacant seat next to her.

"Why do you talk to me?" Emily blurted, "I hear the things Gryffindors say about Slytherins and vice versa. People expect us to be mortal enemies." She saw Draco's eyes scan both the Gryffindor and Slytherin tables; he then looked back at her, unfazed by her words, "We could be friends." 

In the short period that she spent in the Gryffindor common room, Emily already felt the deeply embedded rivalry with Slytherin house. She hadn't learned more about it or what caused the houses to diverge, but she knew well enough that red and green don't mix well. "We'll see."

Hayley dropped a parcel in Emily's lap as she soared overhead, showing it to be a copy of the Daily Prophet and rectangular-shaped box; Emily hastily opened it and revealed the contents to be a key. It was bigger than her wrist and was made entirely out of bronze. They both examined it with sheer curiosity, admiring the runic engravings set upon the key.

"There's some Latin on here," Emily observed. Draco glanced up at her, "You can read Latin?" Showing his unfiltered surprise and admiration. She nodded and kept the key in her pocket, "A little bit, just enough to get by."

Draco shrugged and stood up, holding out his hand for her, "Come on," He prompted. Emily reluctantly took hold of him, now running together out of the Great Hall, "Where are you taking me?" She yelled. Draco just smirked and kept running. A few moments later, they had stopped. Emily was rendered breathless and drenched in sweat, but when the pair had reached the venue, she considered it worth the goose chase.

"This is the Viaduct." He told her. They leaned on the stone fixtures, relishing the fresh highland breeze as they did. At the moment, nothing seemed to compare to admiring the rolling hills and glimmering Black Lake all the while enjoying the refreshing blow of air that swept through their necks, all fo this was cut short due to the ringing bell, calling them back to the castle for their first period. They walked together seeing they practically had similar, if not identical, time tables. They headed to Professor Snape's classroom; Emily had known Snape for a long time. He even babysat her on occasion, it was an awkward event until it proved to be a merely toleratable affair.

They proceeded to the classroom, heads turning to them as they entered, "Ah. I see Miss McGonagall and Mr. Malfoy have arrived, take a seat before I eliminate points from both your houses." Professor Snape said curtly. Emily cautiously eyed Professor Snape, noting how different he seemed as a Professor rather than a guardian. 

Emily and Draco immediately seated themselves at the remaining work table at the back of the room. "Good. Now we're late! Good job, Malfoy." Emily said in a hushed voice, taking out her potions book. "We could be early if someone wasn't trying to pull my arm out of its socket!" He replied. 

"I'm sorry that your bones have the structural integrity of a Jenga tower." She said sarcastically.

"Pay attention!" Professor Snape hissed. Emily and Draco thought that the professor was referring to them but much to their relief, he was referring to Harry Potter. "Well, obviously Hermione knows. So, why don't you ask her?" Harry snapped harshly to the Professor. 

"Well, Mr. Potter, 5 points from Gryffindor!" He dictated coldly.

"For a second, I thought he meant us." Emily sighed heavily to Draco. "Oh yes, Ms. McGonagall. Thank you for reminding me, 5 points from Gryffindor!" Professor Snape said yet again. " your books to page 307, we'll be making a cure for boils," he announced. They took out their books and prepared their ingredients and cauldrons. Emily had learned the procedure by heart since Severus had practically branded it to her skull a year ago. Seven trials and errors until she had gotten it right the eighth time, and it only occurred to her now that he had done all of this to prepare her for Hogwarts. 

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