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"I'm sorry I was such a mess." Carrie whispered, gently biting her lip looking down at the floor. "I was a mess last night." The blonde added, Mike reaching over and holding her hand. "You must've been embarrassed." Mike shook his head immediately.

"You could never embarrass me." He replied, lifting their hands to softly kiss hers. "I want to take you somewhere." Mike stood from the couch, causing Carrie to gently laugh. "Come on, lets o for a walk." He kissed her cheek, leading her towards the door.

"Wait," she stopped him once he tried leading her off of the porch. Carrie pulled Mike back towards her, standing on her toes to kiss his lips. Mike pulled her closer to him as he deepened the kiss, his tongue moving into her mouth. "Mhm," his hand gently groping her bottom as Carrie pulled away. "Let's go." Carrie smiled, the two walking down the stairs.

"You know I love you?" Mike said, wrapping his arm around her waist as the two walked down the dirt path. "I love you so much Care." He smiled, widely, the two walking down the path still.

"Well Mike, I love you too." Carrie giggled in response, confused. "Mike, this is beautiful but what are we doing out here?" She asked, looking around the open field.

"You and I bought this land with the house. We said that we were going to build our dream house out here. I still want that. I still want to do that with you. This, this is the exact place where it was going to be built." Mike tried explaining, only his nerves were beginning to get the best of him.

"You don't have to talk in the past tense. Mike, I would love to build this house with you." Carrie stood on her toes to kiss his cheek.

"I, I want, I'm just going to go ahead and do this before I throw up everywhere." Mike said, throwing Carrie off guard.

"What do,-"

"Carrie Marie Underwood, will you marry me?" Mike's words caused her to let out a gasp, her covering her mouth with both hands. "If you don't want to,-"

"No, I do. Yes, yes Mike." Carrie squealed, wrapping her arms around his neck as the two of them fell to the ground laughing. "I would love to Mike." She couldn't help but straddle his waist, leaning down and kissing his lips.

   "The ring, Care." Mike shook his head, reopening the box.

   "Mike, I can't accept this. I already have a ring and I love it." Carrie shook her head, Mike poking out his lip.

   "I want you to have this one too, baby. You deserve all the diamonds in the world." Mike said before kissing her lips passionately. "Please," he added, Carrie shaking her head as she smiled.

   "I don't deserve you one bit." Carrie bit her lip. "What do I do with this one?" She questioned, sliding off the yellow diamond ring.

   "Put it in here." Mike said, removing the bigger diamond from the box and sliding it on her finger gently, Carrie unable to hold back a smile.

    "Mike, I love you. I love you so much. Thank you for doing this." Carrie gushed as the two walked towards the house.

    "Come here," he pulled her closer. "Don't thank me for anything. I love you. I don't want you to feel bad for not remembering our wedding or any of that, okay? We're going to make new memories." Mike smiled widely before kissing her lips.

"Thank you." Carrie pressed her lips together looking down at the ground as tears were welling up into her eyes.

"Baby, what's wrong?" Mike worriedly asked, placing both hands on her arms.

"I just, thank you so much for being so understanding about this Mike." Tears of joy fell down her face, him pulling her into his chest. "I don't deserve you one bit." The blonde struggled to get out, her tears falling on to his shirt.

Were you expecting that?! Lol thank you for all the votes on the last chapter! It's really motivating when I see people are really liking these!

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