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Two months later

"Hi, Gia." Eira whispered to her in the hospital room as she cuddled her baby.

"Hi." Eyes twinkling, Gia looked serene, holding her baby. "Meet Giulia Maya Kohli." She whispered, looking down. "Oh my God, she's so cute and I cannot believe she came out of me." She laughed.

Slowly, Eira took Giulia out of her hands and held her tightly, swinging her around.

"She's so cute." Eira whispered. She looked like a copy cat of Gia, thoroughly.

Suddenly, Virat and Hardik walked in, Virat immediately going to Gia's side. They started talking to each other, as Hardik came towards me, seeing the baby in my hands.

"She's so small." He awed, looked at her. Slowly, he took a finger and traced her chubby cheeks.

"Dekho, hamare bacche se practise kar rahe hai." Virat laughed, careful to not wake Giulia up.

Slowly, I gave the baby back to Gia. As she held her, I awed, looking at how Virat absolutely melted when he looked at his wife and daughter.

"Oh, I almost forgot." Hardik says and walks out of the room, only to come back with a bag.

"This, is for her." He handed the bag over to Virat.

"Aare, it wasn't necessary!" Gia argued, but stopped when she say what was inside the bag.

"Hardik, you piece of fudge." She laughed.

"Fudge?" I said, hysterical. "Never thought I would see Gia not swearing."

"Excuse me, I'd rather not have her first word be the explicit version of fudge." She giggled, Virat's finger tracing Giulia's fingers.

"But, are you so sure that you'll be her favourite uncle?" Virat said, frowning. "It could be Vikas too, you know."

"Oh, hello no." Hardik argues back. "This one will be mine."

"Don't rob other people's babies, please you have Eira now." Virat countered, making me blush.

Our laughter was cut short by the nurse walking in the room.

"Hi, we'll just take the baby to the Neonatal Care to make sure she's alright, till then you can fill out the birth certificate." She said as she gave the clipboard to Virat.

"Chalo, guys. We'll leave then." Hardik said, hugging Virat and trying to hug Gia.

"Bye guys, have fun!"

"Eirrrraaaaaa." Hardik says, sleeping on the sofa. We were at home right now and Hardik was making his life's mission to disturb me while I was completing an article for Elle Magazine forwarded by my agent.

"What?" I looked up from the computer.

"You know, you look so fucking sexy with glasses on." Hardik says, sitting up.

"No, babe. Let me complete the article." I said, nonchantly, looking back to my computer.

After a moment of silence, I looked up. Hardik wasn't on the sofa anymore, the TV still switched on. Well, that was completely unusual, maybe he learnt how to keep quiet.

Nelipot | Hardik Pandya [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now