The Bald Parrot and the Monk

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The tale about the grocer and the parrot: the parrot spills oil in the store

A grocer kept a parrot in his stall,
The bird was green and talked, amusing all,
Perched on a bench it watched the passers-by, Sharing a word with those who caught its eye,
It knew how to pronounce all human words, Spoke fluently with men as well as birds.
The parrot hopped down from the bench one day, Spilling a flask of rose oil on its way;
And when the grocer came back to his store,
When he sat down he stained the clothes he wore.
On seeing the spilt oil a rage took hold––
He struck the parrot's head and left it bald!
The next few days the bird refused to speak, The grocer grieved, repentant now and meek,
He tugged his beard, 'Alas!' he cried aloud 'My sun of bounty's hidden by a cloud!
Would that my hand had broken then instead Of striking my most precious parrot's head!'
He then gave gifts to all the needy men, Hoping to hear the parrot speak again.
After three nights, perplexed and desperate He sat down on the bench, disconsolate,
Then showed the parrot wondrous tricks galore To coax it into talking back once more;
A monk then strolled by on his daily route, In woollen garb and balder than a coot–

This made the parrot talk again at last.
It shouted at the monk as he walked past:
'How did you end up such a slaphead, friend? Did you like me a flask of oil upend?'
At this assumption everybody laughed,
It thought the monk its equal––it was daft! Don't you compare yourself with God's élite,
Remember 'souls' just sounds like 'soles' of feet! Because of this the whole world's gone astray,
Few recognize God's chosen saints today: Themselves the prophets' equals some proclaim And that from saints they differ just in name,
'We're all mere human beings,' they will say,
'They too must eat some food and sleep each day.'
Their blindness stops them from discerning it–– Between the two the gap is infinite:
Both wasps and bees those flowers are nourishing, Bees give back honey, wasps a painful sting!
All grazing deer look similar when they're young

But some give musk, while others just leave dung!
They're like the canes that you see growing there–– One's sugar-filled, the other just holds air!
With false comparisons this world is packed,
Notice how different each one is in fact: For one, the food he eats just turns to shit, Another shines the light of God with it;
One eats and grows more envious and tight, Another one bestows God's purest light.

Contrast this good land with that marshy patch, Don't claim this angel and that demon match!
When opposites to us the same appear
Like sweet and bitter water, both being clear,
Who can discriminate between the two?
None but a man who's tasted truth* will do.
Magic and miracles some view the same For both to them are just a clever game:

Magicians challenged Moses, friend of God,* Producing their own versions of his rod––
The difference was vast, like night and day, Their deeds contrasted, they were poles away!
Their actions earned them curses from the Lord, While Moses earned more grace as his reward.
Such unbelievers are just apes, no more, Their lying breasts are rotten to the core!
Whatever men should do, apes imitate, They try to copy every human trait,
Thinking, 'We've copied them so faithfully.' Deluded, apes can't sense the way we see.
His actions were from God, theirs just a game,
Those who keep picking fights should all feel shame!
Although the hypocrites attend the prayer, It's just so they can start a quarrel there,
In fasting, prayer, the pilgrimage, and alms, These hypocrites make good men take up arms!
Believers will be led to victory,

While hypocrites will pay eternally!

Although it's the same game these two groups play,
They're chalk and cheese, like those from Merv and Reyy.*

Each one where he belongs at last you'll find, Since each fulfils the name he's been assigned,
If called believer, he'll end up much higher; Those labelled hypocrite just feed the fire!
His essence earns the first loved one as name,
His failings give the next, the loathed, all blame.
The name 'believer' is itself worth naught, It only signifies a person's thought;
Call someone hypocrite and he'll protest As if a scorpion's stung him in his chest,
'If this vile name has not emerged from hell, Why then does it possess its taste and smell?'
The word's referent letters don't decide––
Don't blame the bowl for what's contained inside!
The bowl's mere form, its content meaning, look! All meaning's from the Mother of the Book:*

The planet's different seas aren't joined as one, God's fixed a gap they don't encroach upon,*
Their origin however's still the same,
Transcend them all and make their source your aim!

To check that it's not counterfeit you'll need A touchstone to be sure it's gold indeed:
If God should place a touchstone in your heart You'll then tell doubt and certainty apart, Like when a hair gets in your mouth you know
To spit it out before it slips below, Among a hundred morsels just one hair,
Each man can sense it if he should take care! These senses are the ladders of this world,
From heaven separate ladders God has hurled. Physicians treat and keep your body well
But just God's friend can save your soul from hell, Good health's equated with a strong physique,
A healthy soul will make your body weak; Bodies are wrecked along the mystic way,
For their destruction treasure's brought as pay: For gold your house is knocked down to the ground
To be rebuilt, foundations deep and sound, He cuts off water, drains the river bed,
With purest water fills it up instead;
He flays your skin to find the blade inside,
Fresh skin will heal the wound, however wide;
He'll raze the castles of those faithless powers But then rebuild them with a thousand towers.
Who can discern when acts seem arbitrary? What I've just said shows that it's necessary:
Sometimes like this, and then the opposite, God's way bewilders those who're travelling it,

Not the false ways of those whose backs are turned, But the amazement that love's drunks have learned:
One faces the beloved constantly,
The other chooses just himself to see––

Observe which way the people choose to turn, While serving others learn how to discern!
The devils make themselves look just like men–– Don't shake hands with just anyone again:
The hunter blows a whistle near his prey, Deceiving thus the bird, who's led astray,
It hears what sounds like calling from a friend And lands inside his trap to meet its end;

A wretch may steal the words of dervishes To chant tall tales to simple audiences:
The actions of the genuine spread light,
While false pretenders just distort what's right.

Low beggars with stuffed dolls they feel no shame: 'Ahmad', some claimed, was Bu Mosaylem's* name:
He was called 'liar' soon, and entered hell,
While Ahmad gave the world those who know well.*
The wine of love's flask smells of musk that's pure, While other wines all stink of foul manure!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2017 ⏰

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