Not What I Was Expecting

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In my world, we have a really cool thing that happens. When you meet and fall for your true love, you get a glowing orb type thing on your chest. I have seen it happen. It is pretty cool. I saw it happen with my best friend. He was walking in a game shop, and he was talking to the clerk. All of a sudden their chests started glowing. I smiled at him. He found his girl. I was a senior in high school, and nothing. Usually you find your "love" during high school. It wasn't uncommon to find it later in life, so I wasn't to worried.

Anyways, my life sucks. I am the most awkward guy you are ever going to meet. I am tall, wiry, and have this hair that falls over my eyes. I watch geek shows like Doctor Who and I haven't ever had a girlfriend. I'm really not that attracted, nor do I really think anyone is attractive. I am probably going to be one of those few people that don't ever get a true love. Oh well, I guess I am ok being a geek by myself for the rest of my life.

My senior year is going pretty well. I mean there is the occasional bullying, by Jake, but I am used to it. Jake and I have been enemies since before school started. He lives down the road from my house, and is constantly teasing me. He was a dumbass. I hated him.

My mother is sitting at the table, just like every other morning. She was a stay at home mom, and dad left for work early. I sat down and quickly gobbled up my eggs and toast. I was going to be early, and miss jerkface. Today I just wasn't in the mood to fight him. I was tired, and needed to be ready for my oral presentation in History. I hated those.

I give my mother a kiss on the cheek goodbye and walk out the door. I had a bad feeling about today. I really didn't want any encounters with anyone today. The bruises from last week were finally fading away. I covered them up, but come springtime, it would get harder to cover up my abuse.

I am walking down the block, and pass his house. I was about to turn on the road to the school when I feel a hand on my shoulder. The hand gripped hard. I cringe.

"Hey loser, where are you going so fast?" Jake says, with a smirk.

"School." I try and wiggle free of his grasp. It was no use.

"Really? Maybe I should walk you there?" He forces me to walk, still gripping my shoulder. I was waiting for the punchline, which would probably be my my face.

"I would rather not, Jake. How about you leave me alone." I felt like a damsel in distress. I couldn't do anything.

"Really? Too bad. Let's go" He shakes me and makes my glasses fall from my face. I reach to grab them, but I am too slow, again.

"Give them back."

"Sure, but you gotta go get them!" He says, and throws them into the ditch. Jackass, he knows I am near sighted, really near sighted. I am going to kill him one of these days. I hear him leave and start the search.

10 minutes later I found them, they weren't in a ditch, but in a bush on the other side of the ditch. I clean them off, and run to school. I hope I wasn't going to be late.

Turns out, I wasn't. I really wish this would change. I really want to stop getting beat up every day. This won't last for too much longer, I only have 2 months of school left, then I am out of here. I never have to interfere with Jake again.

I get through the day, but just barely. Jake wasn't in any of my classes, except gym, thankfully. I tried to hide as much as I could from him, I was pretty successful. I waited for everyone to change out of their clothes, and leave. The day was over. I quickly change into my jeans and am starting to put on my shirt when I hear footsteps. Crap. I look behind me. and there he was. I slam my locker shut. Everyday he came by, to taunt me or punch me. Always at this time.

Not what I was expectingWhere stories live. Discover now