Getting To Know Ya! (spying)

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/Jeff's pov./

I walk into the living room seeing BEN his arm being practly eating by Yoda I laugh BEN growls. "Get him off of me!" He yells I laugh harder. "Why do you even have him with you?" I ask as BEN pins the dog down on his lap he continues to bark and growl in a puppy voice. "Magic wanted me to watch him and didn't give me a choice." He answers I laugh. "That's hilarious!" I laugh falling on the couch. "Yeah yeah it's sooo funny now you watch him." He says. "Nope sorry dude he's yours for now." I say he groans L.J., E.J., and Liu come in Liu sitting next to me. "Hehe why does BEN have a dog?" L.J. asks from the door way BEN puts Yoda on the floor as Yoda barks louder still growling jumping on BEN's legs but is so short he can only reach he's shin. "Magic told me to watch him." BEN answers annoyance in his voice. "And he's still alive?" E.J. asks we all burst into laughter other then BEN of course. "Haha vary funny." BEN says trying to push Yoda away. "Where'd she go anyway?" Liu asks. "Oh Nina and Jane dragged her off to hang out." BEN answers. "Ooo really...that could be fun." L.J. says E.J. rubs he's forehead of the mask and sits in one of the chairs L.J. sitting in one next to the couch. "Actually Jeff if your making me watch Demon Dog here then do me a favor." BEN says I roll my eyes. "And what is that?" BEN gets up being chased by Yoda he sighs getting something out of a box. "Yoda hasn't been like this at all what happened?" I ask. "As soon as Magic left he started barking and biting for a little thing he's a demon that's why I have given him a Creepypasta name. Demon Dog." He says we laugh a bit BEN turns back rolling his eyes he walks back over sitting back down. "Go put this where we can see them so we can see what's happening." BEN says handing me a camera. "You mean spying?" Liu asks. "You could call it that or call it receiving information early." BEN says I laugh. "Ok fine but if we get caught you and L.J. are taking the blame." I say. "Fair enough hehe." L.J. says. "Deal." BEN says I get up. "Jeff your gonna get in trouble with Magic, Nina and Jane do you really want all the girls trying to kill you instead of one?" Liu asks. "Ok one Nina will be flattered. And two I don't care." I say he rolls his eyes. "Let the record show I had nothing to do with this." E.J. says Liu nods. "We are each others witnesses." He says I roll my eyes and head upstairs I hear talking and laughing coming from Nina's room I go over and knock "Come in!" Nina calls. "Yeah Nina BEN said you ha-" I stoped as I came in. "Wow ok then." I say looking at a room covered in photos of me. "Anyway Magic BEN wants to know what to do with Yoda." He says. "I told him to keep him down there now he should have remembered that." She answers. "Oh ok I'll go tell him to suck it up." I say moving around leaving about to put the mini recorder camera down but before I did I looked over and seen my knife! "Nina is that my knife!" I shout walking over to a stand Nina stood infront of. "What knife?" She says I moves her and grab it placing the camera. "Nina it has my name on it!" I yell. "Oh it's ok my prince I'll get another." She says. "Don't call me prince!" I yell. "Ok Jeffy!" I growl at Nina. "Hey Jeff you know if you want her to go see you so bad you take a knife so she'll go get another. You should just ask her out." Jane says. "Oh Jeffy I'll come over and get a knife real soon!" Nina exclaims. "No don't!" I shout. "You can't denie our love Jeffy!" Nina squeals. "Jane I want to kill you so bad right now." I growl. "Right back at ya!" Jane laughs I growl and leave. I get downstairs seeing BEN and L.J. laughing Liu and E.J. snickering and a tv screen that showed Jane and Gracie laughing their guts out on the floor. "That was hilarious!" Gracie laughs high fiving Jane note to self get back at Gracie. "Why thank you." Jane says. "Ok come on you two. Let's get to know ya Magic!" Nina says they sit on her bed and Gracie fiddles with her fingers as Jane says. "Ok let's begin." I sit next to Liu and BEN waiting to see what comes from this. "Ok so how about your real name?" Nina asks. "Oh umm my name is Gracie." She's answers. "Ok cool. Now how about what your powers do?" Jane says/asks. "'s kinda like eyes and the streaks in my hair glow bright and then a purple mist gathers around me or objects around me." She explains all of us boys just stare at the screen. "Woah she's bada-" "shush!" We all cut BEN off Liu getting a bit interested. "Wow cool!" Nina exclaims. "It sounds like Slender will be training you." Jane says. "Yeah I still don't know....what is it I have to do for this...job?" Gracie asks we all start laughing including Jane and Nina. "Honey he sends his proxies to put up notes, stalk and kill." Jane answers. "K-kill?" Gracie asks. "Yeah don't worry about it Slender will take care of you." Jane says Gracie nods. "Ok now one more'd Slender find you?" Nina asks. "Well Jeff chased me through the woods and to a cliff i jumped off and survived because of my powers and then got chased by Slender and well here we are." Gracie answers. "Ok why were you in the woods?" Jane asks Gracie  goes pale. "Um um a walk?" She says. "Really?" Nina asks. "Were you really?" Jane asks. "Umm well-*bang*" something fell in the room Gracie gets up and goes towards...oh no. She picks something up and puts in on the stand the cameras on she looks at the camera and picks it up. "Hey guys there's a recorder over here." She says. "What!" Jane and Nina say at the same time. "Yeah look it's on." Gracie says Jane takes the camera and looks into it. "Jeff your dead meat." She says then the screen goes black. That was the moment I knew I messed up and I was gonna pay for it.

Hiya Gamers! Lol I just had to! I hope you enjoyed this and comment what you think! Till next time...


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