Chapter 9- Mentis Imperium

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*Twilight Velvet and NightLight lead them into their house*

*everyone is in awe*

Sunset- *to Twilight* And I thought your house was big...

Twilight- *nods in agreement*

NightLight- *calmly* Feel free to look around but please don't break anything....

Mane 5/Sunset/Humane 6- *grins at Velvet and Night* *bats eyes*

Spike- *smiles at them* Third door on the left...

*they leave to find Princess Twilight's old room*

*their alternates follow them*

Discord/Eris/Starlight/Stellar/Trixie/Trixter follows them*

Velvet- *smiles at them* *her smile turns into worry and picks out a book with a light gray cover and a black crescent moon on the cover* *sets it on the table*

Shining- *comes to her side* *serious* We'll do whatever it takes to find her...

Luna- *serious* Yes, we'll send out all of our guards if necessary

Cadence- *hugs Twilight Velvet* Everything is going to be ok...

Celestia- *walks over to Velvet* We won't rest until she is found...

Velvet- Thank you, your highnesses...*looks at the book*

*in Princess Twilight's old room*

Sunset- *chuckles* Jeez what's with the purple and magenta color scheme

Dusk- *smirks* It's called living up to your name Sunset...

Discord- So this is where the magic happened...

Eris- No, the Magic happened after Twilight and Night went for it a second time *laughs hard*

Discord- *laughing hard* That's sides...

*the others stare at them disbelief*

Starlight- *levitates a book with Twilight's cutie mark on it* What's this?

Dusk- *immediately teleports it to him* *stern* Off-limits don't touch...

Spike- Yeah, it's her diary respect privacy...

Trixie- *smirks to Starlight* What secrets could the princess of friendship hold in there...

Starlight- Can we see it?

Penumbra- *to Starlight and Trixie rudely* What part of PRIVACY did you two not understand, if you both had diaries I'm 100 percent sure that you wouldn't want anyone looking at your diaries...*walks to the others*

Twivine- *glares at them*

Starlight/Trixie- *shocked*

Rarity- *sees pictures of Twilight when she was a filly* *motions for the Mane and Humane 5 to come over*

*they all squee*

*as they all look at the pictures their smiles start to fade*

Fluttershy- *worried* Are we going to find her...

Dusk- *serious tone* We're not stopping until she's found, brought home safely and whoever took her...*has a dark gleam in his eye* is brought to whatever ways necessary... *leaves the room*

Penumbra/Twivine/Firebolt/Ember- *follows him out*

*the others follow them out*

*in the living room*

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